Longmont 2022 Air Pollution Summaries Available Online
Longmont 2022 Air Pollution Summaries Available Online
The latest air quality monitoring reports can be viewed at the City’s Oil and Gas Monitoring webpage. Although there are no oil and gas drilling activities inside Longmont city limits, oil and gas development continues to occur in neighboring communities, which can lead to air pollution that drifts into Longmont. Staff are closely monitoring levels of methane and benzene, two important indicators of oil and gas emissions measured in the Longmont air quality study. The City files formal complaints with the state’s public health department and the oil and gas commission whenever the levels of benzene or methane are measured above specific thresholds. These thresholds were selected by staff and Boulder AIR because there are currently no state or federal standards for these pollutants in open air. As always, recent air quality data is posted in near-real time online at https://www.bouldair.com/longmont.htm and the full data set going back over 2 years can be seen at http://www.bouldairtools.com/interactive/.