Longmont Museum Launches Climate Change Series
Longmont Museum Launches Climate Change Series
The Longmont Museum is presenting a series of virtual programs examining climate change, its impact and potential solutions. Titled “The Big Picture Climate Change Series: Earth, Air, Fire and Water,” the series will feature panels, lectures and conversations with local scientists and other experts. Co-presented by KGNU Community Radio and Sustainable Resilient Longmont, the series will culminate with Sustainable Resilient Longmont’s annual Earth Day Celebration.
This virtual series is co-curated by Justin Veach, manager of the Museum’s Stewart Auditorium, and Susan Moran, journalist and co-host of KGNU’s “How on Earth,” who will also moderate the four panels.
“We are experiencing the warmest years on record,” said Moran. “Carbon dioxide levels continue to climb. More powerful storms and mega-wildfires are raging. What we are learning about these vast and shifting realms is both scary and encouraging. We curated this series to move the conversation forward, to inform ourselves and to empower us all to think globally and act locally.”
All four programs will be broadcast from the Longmont Museum’s Stewart Auditorium:
- “Air: As We Live & Breathe,” Monday, April 19 at 7:30 p.m.
Panelists: DaNa Carlis, deputy director, NOAA’s Global Systems Laboratory; Stacy Feldman, journalist and co-founder, Inside Climate News; and Detlev Helmig, atmospheric scientist monitoring air quality on the Front Range. - “Fire: Friend & Foe,” Tuesday, April 20 at 7:30 p.m.
Panelists: Colleen Reid, professor of geography, CU Boulder; Michael Kodas, journalist and author; and Don Whittemore, former fire chief. - “Water: The Essence of Life,” Wednesday, April 21 at 7:30 p.m.
Panelists: Brad Udall, senior water and climate research scientist, Colorado Water Institute, CSU; and Stephanie Malin, environmental sociologist, CSU. - “Earth: Grounds for Innovation,” Thursday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m.
Panelists: Atreyee Bhattacharya, research faculty, Civil Environmental & Architectural Engineering, CU Boulder; Keith Paustian, senior research scientist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, CSU; Alice Madden, Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment (CU Boulder); and Mark Guttridge, owner, Ollin Farms
“From floods to fires, these topics hit close to home for everyone on the Front Range,” said Museum Director Kim Manajek. “It’s vital that we all take an active interest in our planet’s future and learn what we can do as individuals today.”
The series will be followed by Sustainable Resilient Longmont’s virtual Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 24. The day’s events will focus on youth and education from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The celebration will conclude with a special bilingual conversation on the subject of equity and climate change from 6:30–8:30 p.m., co-presented with the Museum and the City of Longmont’s Equitable Climate Action Team. Learn more at www.srlongmont.org.
All five programs are free-of-charge and can be viewed live at facebook.com/LongmontMuseum, LongmontPublicMedia.org, and Local Comcast Channel 8/880. Learn more at bit.ly/Climate-Change-Series.