Longmont Named a Top Digital City
Longmont Named a Top Digital City
The City of Longmont has been named one of the top Digital Cities in America according to The Center for Digital Government (CDG) a national research and advisory institute focused on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government.
CDG announced the winners of the 2019 Digital Cities Survey in mid-November. Now in its 19th year, the annual survey recognizes cities using technology to tackle social challenges, enhance services, strengthen cybersecurity, and more.
“Longmont has always been committed to using technology to enhance city services for our community and it’s nice to receive national recognition for our efforts,” said Longmont Assistant City Manager, Sandi Seader.
CDG recognized the City’s website as the hub for communication with the Longmont community.
“Our City website has long been a hub for people to conduct business with the government during all hours of the day and night,” said Longmont Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) Director, Cathy Woods, “and our new Engage Longmont platform provides a way for them to comment on City projects and policy development as well.”
The survey honors cities in five population classifications: 500,000 or more, 250,000 to 499,999; 125,000 to 249,999; 75,000 to 124,999 and fewer than 75,000. Longmont ranked ninth in the 75,000 – 124,999 population category.
2019 Digital Cities Survey Winners, 75,000 – 124,999 population:
1st City of Lynchburg, VA
2nd City of Westminster, CO
3rd City of Columbia, MO
4th City of Sugar Land, TX
5th City of Roanoke, VA
6th City of Boulder, CO
6th City of Independence, MO
7th City of Allen, TX
8th City of Duluth, MN
9th City of Longmont, CO
10th City of Avondale, AZ
“Congratulations to this year’s Digital Cities winners, who are working to make their communities more secure, user-friendly, efficient and resilient,” said Teri Takai, executive director for CDG. “Their efforts are making technology a driver of better, smarter, more responsive government.”
Read the article on the top 10 winners who will be honored at a special awards dinner during the National League of Cities’ annual conference in San Antonio on November 21.
“The top Digital Cities this year are taking the IT department far beyond the role of service provider,” said Phil Bertolini, co-director of CDG. “They’re exploring creative ways to leverage their technology investments and redefining the role of the public-sector technology leader at the city level.”
CDG is a division of e.Republic, the nation’s only media and research company focused exclusively on state and local government and education.
For more information about CDG contact:
Janet Grenslitt
Director of Surveys and Awards e.Republic
Center for Digital Government