Longmont Named as All-America City Finalist
Longmont Named as All-America City Finalist
Longmont, CO – Longmont has been named by the National Civic League as a finalist for one of 10 All-America City awards in 2018.
The Award, bestowed annually, recognizes the work of 10 communities in using inclusive civic engagement to address critical issues and create stronger connections among residents, businesses and nonprofit and government leaders. The City applied for the award in February and highlighted the community’s work in supporting action for mental health, recovery from the flood of 2013, and building the City’s broadband utility, NextLight™. In each of these projects, the Longmont community has come together to address significant challenges to building a brighter future for all – together. Longmont will present these projects, the community’s involvement, and the results at the All-America City competition, which will be held in Denver in late June. Longmont is the only Colorado municipality named as a finalist in 2018.
The City of Longmont won the All-America City award in 2006 after competing with cities across the country. For more information about the All-America City award, visit the National Civic League at https://www.nationalcivicleague.org/america-city-award/.