Longmont Police Explorers Place in Tactical Competition - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Longmont Police Explorers Place in Tactical Competition

Explorer Chandler Team 2015_250The Longmont Police Explorers (high school students) have just returned from Chandler Arizona and participation in the Tactical Explorer Competition. Fifty-seven teams competed this year and Longmont was right up there on the competition board with heavy hitters like Las Vegas Metro PD, Orange County, Ventura County and Los Angeles. The average team size was 15 with some agencies having as many at 40. Our 7 person team was comprised of 5 women and 2 men. This was our teams first experience at the Chandler competition; which is considered one of the most challenging Explorer competitions in the nation.

Longmont Post 67 placed in the following events:
“10 Man Hostage Rescue”———————-3rd Place
“Decision Making/Accuracy Shoot”———–2nd Place
“Emergency Vehicle Ops”———————–2nd Place
“5 Man Hostage Rescue”————————2nd Place

It should probably be noted that our “5 Man Hostage Rescue” team was composed entirely of women.

Nice job!