Longmont Schedules Community Forum
Longmont Schedules Community Forum
To help the community heal in the wake of two tragedies that hit Longmont recently, the City of Longmont will host a Community Forum on Mental Health on April 13, 2015, 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Lifebridge Church, 10345 Ute Hwy, Longmont.
This is an open community event, no fee for attendance. If a community member needs interpretation in another language, they are asked to call 303-651-8445. For additional information, please call 303-651-8445.
At 6:30 pm, Mental Health Partners Janine D’Anniballe will present “Understanding Mental Health Illness and Secondary Trauma”. Starting at 7 pm, Jennifer Leosz, Mental Health Partners, will speak on “Suicide, Substance Abuse and Mental Health First Aid”. Local agencies will provide residents access to local resources and information on mental health from 6:30 to 8 pm.
“Our community wants to heal,” says Longmont Public Safety Chief Mike Butler. “Our community’s goodness is profound and can be activated to assist those who are struggling. This forum will be a significant first step towards creating that social fabric and bring about that transformation.”This is an open community event, no fee for attendance. If a community member needs interpretation in another language, they are asked to call 303-651-8445. For additional information, please call 303-651-8445.