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Longmont Senior Center offers Virtual Tech Support

Technology Help is Here!

Get peer-to-peer remote support from our tech gurus of the Senior Computer Tech Center. 
The Longmont Senior Center technology Coaches have set up some new ways to provide tech support. Coaches cannot meet with you in person, but thanks to new tools and widespread internet, you can still get computer and technology help! To see the full range of offerings, visit our website at  Longmont Senior Center Technology Coaches . 
zoom-sctcRight now, SCTC is offering: 
  • Instructions on how to use the ZOOM tool to remotely meet with a coach, attend a meeting or lecture, allow access to your computer
  • Remote Personal Coaching
  • An SCTC email informing you of new activities and tech tips–stay in touch!
  • Online video tutorials on a wide range of topics
  • Virtual Drop In Lab every Friday at 2pm using Zoom teleconferencing software online.