Longmont Sustainability Plan Adopted - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Longmont Sustainability Plan Adopted

City Council recently adopted an updated Sustainability Plan for Longmont. The plan supports the guiding principles of Envision Longmont while focusing on actions that can be taken over the next ten years to help meet long-term goals that promote social equity, environmental stewardship, and economic vitality for all residents of Longmont. The plan utilizes an integrated, relational approach to identify objectives, targets, timelines, and activities in ten primary topic areas. View the full plan on the City’s Sustainability webpage; below is a list of immediate strategies identified in the plan.

Longmont’s Immediate Strategies (2016-2017)

Air Quality

  • Increase inspections of emissions from oil and gas sites

Buildings & Infrastructure

  • Expand indoor air quality testing program


  • Expand existing neighborhood programs to enhance sustainability, resiliency, and quality of life
  • Incorporate the City of Longmont’s Community Engagement model into all City plans and projects

Economic Vitality

  • Work with local economic development organizations to support local businesses and attract andexpand green industry/clean tech jobs
  • Create a Longmont sustainable business recognition program


  • Review energy efficiency improvement and renewable energy generation opportunities for municipal facilities
  • Continue to provide energy efficiency outreach and incentives for all energy users
  • Continue to provide and increase participation in a contractor energy efficiency training program in partnership with Platte River Power Authority
  • Explore collaboration with the Colorado Energy Office to expand energy services for low-income households

Food System

  • Encourage and support agricultural research in Boulder County

Natural Environment

  • Work with community partners to promote education and awareness about water-wise landscaping and integrated pest management practices on private properties
  • Update the Tree Canopy Management and Replacement Plan
  • Continue and increase participation in existing volunteer programs
  • Update the Open Space Master Plan


  • Continue the Ride Free transit program


  • Build support for participation in the curbside composting program


  • Complete a Water Conservation Master Plan update and implement identified strategies

City staff will be forming a Sustainability Advisory Committee in early 2017 to support the implementation of the Sustainability Plan strategies. If you are interested in receiving information on how to participate in the Sustainability Advisory Committee, please contact Sustainability Coordinator, Lisa Knoblauch.