Longmont Wins Two National Web Awards
Longmont Wins Two National Web Awards
The City of Longmont website, www.LongmontColorado.gov, received a 2015 Pinnacle Award and a 2015 Sponsor’s Award from the National Association of Government Web Professionals (NAGW) during its annual conference in Albuquerque, NM on September 23-25, 2015.
Pinnacle Awards are judged by a group of web professionals from inside and outside of government web development, and are awarded to the best entries based on the following judging criteria: Team Size, Content, Organization, Design, Performance and Flexibility, Accessibility Standards, and Interactivity. Longmont won in the category for cities with populations of 50,000 to 95,000 people.
The Sponsor’s award is from SiteImprove (a leading provider of web governance software) and is in recognition of a perfectly functioning website, with no broken links, and no spelling errors or other issues.
“Many dedicated staff members worked for several months to redesign and launch our new website last year,” said Sandi Seader, assistant city manager for the City of Longmont, “and it’s very gratifying to see that all the hard work has paid off.”
The City’s website was redesigned last year and launched in August 2014. The site has seen its use jump about 10 percent according to Longmont’s biannual resident survey. Eighty percent of survey respondents say they get their City news directly from the website.
Credit for the increase is due in part to the responsive design, which has created a mobile-friendly site. “There has been a substantial increase in tablet and smart phone use since the redesign,” Seader said.
The National Association of Government Web Professionals (http://nagw.org) is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization of local government webmasters working together to share knowledge, ideas and other resources. NAGW members collaborate on technologies and network with other professionals to improve the capacity to provide the value across the web to member communities.
“The Pinnacle Awards celebrate excellence in web design and innovation,” said NAGW board president John Nixon.” Our members do extraordinary work with limited resources and budgets. The judges are continually impressed with the exceptional quality of work they see in all of the entries.”