Mayor and Council Candidate Nomination Deadline Is Monday, August 24
Mayor and Council Candidate Nomination Deadline Is Monday, August 24
The Longmont City Clerk’s office is accepting nominations through the end of the day Monday, August 24th for the offices of Mayor and Ward 1, Ward 3 and At-Large City Council seats. The election for these positions is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2015, and will be conducted as a coordinated election with Boulder and Weld Counties.
The Mayor’s term is two years and the Council member terms are four years. Candidates for Mayor and Council must: 1) be citizens of the United States; 2) be twenty-one years of age; and 3) have resided in and been qualified electors of the City for the past year. Additionally, the successful Ward Council member candidates must reside in the ward they represent during their term of office.
Candidates running for the position of Mayor and the At-Large Council seat must collect signatures from 50 registered voters residing in Longmont. Candidates running for the Ward Council seats must collect signatures from 25 registered voters who reside in the Ward from which the candidate is seeking election. The City Clerk will conduct a candidate orientation session in late August following certification of the nomination petitions.
The Mayor’s term is two years and the Council member terms are four years. Candidates for Mayor and Council must: 1) be citizens of the United States; 2) be twenty-one years of age; and 3) have resided in and been qualified electors of the City for the past year. Additionally, the successful Ward Council member candidates must reside in the ward they represent during their term of office.
Candidates running for the position of Mayor and the At-Large Council seat must collect signatures from 50 registered voters residing in Longmont. Candidates running for the Ward Council seats must collect signatures from 25 registered voters who reside in the Ward from which the candidate is seeking election. The City Clerk will conduct a candidate orientation session in late August following certification of the nomination petitions.
Candidate nomination petitions and information are available on line at https://longmontcolorado.gov/departments/departments-a-d/city-clerk/election-information/candidate-packet or at the City Clerk’s office.