Mosquito Spraying Update, Sept. 4, 2024 | Actualización sobre fumigación de mosquitos, 04 de septiembre de 2024 - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Mosquito Spraying Update, Sept. 4, 2024 | Actualización sobre fumigación de mosquitos, 04 de septiembre de 2024

Para obtener más información sobre la fumigación de mosquitos en Longmont esta semana, llame al 303-651-8416.


The risk for West Nile Virus in Longmont has diminished, ending the City’s West Nile Prevention Program and eliminating the need for further adult mosquito spraying for this calendar year.


During the past several weeks, the city has overseen the spraying of local neighborhoods to control mosquitos that can spread West Nile Virus.

Learn more about the City’s integrated pest management program.