Myths of the Ancient Sky – Jan. 14
Myths of the Ancient Sky – Jan. 14
Myths of the Ancient Sky
The night sky has been studied for thousands of years. Learn about the history and myths from around the world from 10:30am – 12noon on Saturday, January 14 at the Sandstone Ranch Visitors & Learning Center, 3001 Sandstone Drive, and participate in a constellation activity after the talk. There is a $4 per person suggested donation for this event.
Suggested donations are collected at the event. Pre-registration for each person attending is encouraged either online here (keyword search SSRVLC) or by calling 303-651-8404 one week in advance. All programs at the Visitors Center are family-friendly unless otherwise noted.
Location / Directions
Sandstone Ranch Visitors & Learning Center
3001 Sandstone Drive, Longmont, CO 80504
To get to Sandstone Ranch from Longmont, go east on Ken Pratt Boulevard / Highway 119, past the intersection of Weld County Road (WCR) 1. The ballpark facilities are located on the south side of the road, 1/2 mile east of WCR 1. The Visitors & Learning Center, sports field complex, skate park, adventure playground and picnic shelter are located on the south side of the road, 1 mile east of WCR 1. View pdf map.