New Heights
New Heights
Twenty-two thousand, five hundred.
Twenty-two thousand, five hundred.
If that were seats in an arena, it would be larger than the Pepsi Center. If it were feet of elevation, it would be taller than Denali.
Instead, that 22,500 – and counting – is how many NextLight customers we had as December of 2020 pulled to a close. And that’s pretty exciting.
Some of you may remember our big celebration of 20,000 customers the year before. Since then, we’ve kept growing, and no wonder. High-speed internet has become more important than ever, especially in a pandemic where so much has to be done remotely: work, study, even socializing. And as all of Longmont knows, speed is something NextLight does pretty darned well.
You’ve supported us from the beginning. You’ve trusted us to provide you fast and reliable service when you need it. And we’ve worked hard to repay that trust – not just by keeping up the quality you expect, but by new additions to make NextLight even better and more useful.
That’s why our residential offerings now start at 100 megabits per second, while still keeping the best gig connection around.
It’s why we gave all our business offerings matching upload and download speeds.
And it’s certainly why we provided discounts to income-qualified and COVID-impacted households, and expanded our Sharing the NextLight program to include preschoolers and college students.
You’ve kept coming, not just signing up but talking us up in the community and on social media. (And speaking of that, don’t forget that you can get a discount for referrals, too.) You’ve been our customers, our neighbors and our indefatigable promoters.
Which means that our success is your success, too.
Thanks to all of you. You’ve helped keep NextLight shining brightly.
Now, let’s go climb some more mountains, shall we?