PC Magazine Ranks NextLight Fastest ISP in U.S.
PC Magazine Ranks NextLight Fastest ISP in U.S.
PC Magazine declared NextLight™ the fastest internet service provider in the country this morning, placing the community-owned internet provider at the top of its annual speed rankings.
The top spot had been held by Google Fiber in 2016 and 2017, which was knocked into second place this year by NextLight, Longmont’s fiber-optic network.
“Who could beat Google at its own game? NextLight, that’s who,” the magazine said in its 2018 ISP rankings. “There’s no denying small local players like this are the best hope we all have for seeing major gains in connectivity speed. … If you are choosing where to live in the U.S. based entirely on internet speed, consider buying or renting in Longmont.”
In 2017, PC Magazine ranked Longmont as the fastest city in the U.S., and gave NextLight credit for it. In that year’s ranking, the magazine referred to local utilities such as NextLight as “the best hope we’ve got for mega-fast internet service in this country.”
The survey is based on speed tests submitted by visitors to the magazine’s website, located at www.pcmag.com/speedtest. A city or ISP must have received at least 100 tests to be included in the results.
“PC Magazine has confirmed what NextLight’s customers already know – that they enjoy a top-quality internet service that is the envy of the country,” General Manager Tom Roiniotis said. “We’re excited to see our community’s achievement recognized and celebrated.”
The success of NextLight was one of the initiatives promoted in Longmont’s All-America City Award application. Longmont is a finalist for the award, which will be decided this weekend in Denver at the National Civic League’s 2018 National Conference on Local Governance. Ten cities will be chosen.
NextLight transformed Longmont into Colorado’s first Gig City in 2017, offering gigabit uploads and downloads citywide without data caps or contracts. Under a referral program that began this year, NextLight residential customers get a free month of home service each time they refer a friend who signs up for NextLight. A similar program is in place for commercial customers.
About Longmont Power & Communications
Longmont Power & Communications is a community-owned, not-for-profit electric and internet services utility that operates under the direction of Longmont City Council. Established in 1912, our goal is to deliver electric and communications services that provide outstanding value to our customer–owners. In 2014, we began to build and operate the NextLight fiber-optic broadband system, which has made Longmont the first “gigabit city” in Colorado. To learn more, visit www.longmontcolorado.gov/lpc.