Phase One Construction on the Coffman Street Mobility Improvements Project Starts the Week of June 24
Phase One Construction on the Coffman Street Mobility Improvements Project Starts the Week of June 24
Este artÃculo de noticias trata sobre la próxima construcción del Proyecto de Mejoras de Movilidad de Coffman Street. Si necesita esta información en español, llame al 303-651-8416.
Starting the week of June 24, the City of Longmont and contractor Native Sun Construction will begin phase one construction of the Coffman Street Mobility Improvements Project. This follows work currently being completed by Xcel Energy to lower the gas line on Coffman Street in preparation for major road construction.
Coffman Street between 1st Avenue and 9th Avenue will be turned into a multi-modal corridor for buses, vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. The design includes accommodating Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and adding new separated bicycle lanes with a future connection to the planned 1st and Main Transit Station. Additional information about the project can be found on the interactive StoryMap at bit.ly/CoffmanStStoryMap. This is one of several developments in the Downtown Longmont area which are detailed at longmontcolorado.gov/transformation.
Coffman Street Phase One (June 2024 – Spring 2025):
- Construction will start on the west side of Coffman Street between 9th Avenue and 6th Avenue and will be one-way traffic in the northbound lane only.
- Early next year, construction will move to the east side of Coffman Street from 9th Avenue to 6th Avenue and traffic will flip to one-way in the southbound lane only.
- On-street parking on both sides of Coffman Street will be prohibited in the blocks under construction.
- During this phase of construction, all bus stops (323, 324, 326, 327, BOLT and FLEX) for the Coffman park-n-ride have been moved to the west side of Roosevelt Park along Bross Street. The park-n-ride parking lot will remain open during Coffman Street construction.
- Access to businesses will be maintained at all times with minor delays for concrete work directly in front of driveways or doorways.
- Detour signs will direct vehicles and pedestrians to accessible routes.
- Some traffic signal work may also occur between 5th Avenue and 2nd Avenue
Coffman Street Phase Two (Early 2025 – Summer 2026):
- Construction will overlap slightly with phase one as phase two work begins on Coffman Street between 5th Avenue and 2nd Avenue.
- Traffic impacts will be similar to phase one with one-way traffic on the side of Coffman Street not under construction.
- The full project is expected to be completed in the summer of 2026.
Construction will occur Monday – Friday from 7 am – 6 pm with some work on Saturdays, as necessary. Check the project website at bit.ly/CoffmanStreetMobility for updates on the status of construction and potential traffic impacts.
We encourage the public to support businesses along Coffman Street and adjacent blocks throughout construction. Find alternative parking options at DowntownLongmont.com/visit/parking. Questions or concerns regarding the project should be directed to the project hotline at 720-432-7058 or CoffmanStreetMobility@longmontcolorado.gov.
Finally, while not a part to the Coffman Street Mobility Improvements, work on 4th Avenue will temporarily close a nearby sidewalk and alley. Specifically, the sidewalk on the south side of 4th Avenue between Coffman Street and Main Street, and the alley immediately south of 4th Avenue between Terry Street and Coffman Street. The current estimated schedule for these repairs is July 1-10.