Post-Storm Resources Now and Throughout the Winter
Post-Storm Resources Now and Throughout the Winter
We want to offer a huge thank you to our residents for having patience as we all weathered last week’s heavy snow and ice storm and its aftermath. We’d also like to share ways you can let us know about areas of safety concern and how our senior and disabled residents can get help with clearing sidewalks and transportation.
Check out these resources that may be useful, both for in the aftermath of this storm and moving forward throughout the winter:
- If you are curious about the City’s plow routes and want to learn how best to weather the next storm check out the Snow Savvy Guide and other snow resources at LongmontColorado.gov/snow.
- You can report icy sidewalks, roads or bike lanes that are causing safety concerns via our ServiceWorks! system online 24/7 or by phone between 8-5 Monday-Friday at 303-651-8416
- Residents aged 60+ who are unable to handle clearing their own sidewalks can contact Cultivate’s Snowbusters program at https://cultivate.ngo/programs/snowbusters or 303-443-1933. This group also welcomes new volunteers to help shovel for those residents after snow events
- FlexRide (formerly Call-n-Ride) offers curb-to-curb service, like a taxi, within the City. Through the end of the year, Commuting Solutions is offering free trips on FlexRide. Complete this form to access free FlexRides in town.
- Residents with disabilities that prevent them from navigating snowy areas can check out RTD’s ADA service, Access-a-Ride. It’s free within Longmont for those who qualify. The service offers curbside and door-to-door service as well. Click the link or call 303-299-2960 for more information.
- Via Mobility offers transportation services to Longmont seniors (65+) and others of any age who cannot drive. The service is fare-based ($5 one-way) with reduced and no-fare options available for those who qualify.