Price Park Tank Testing Postponed
Price Park Tank Testing Postponed
The testing of the Price Park Tank Pump Station that was to begin Oct. 22, has been temporarily postponed. The testing of this pump station and the full Price Park Tank Replacement Project, will be completed, but the current schedule will be delayed.
There is not a specific date set when this testing will begin, but please stay tuned to City communications and social channels, and as soon as this official date is set, the City of Longmont communications will publish information with that new date.
This project included the construction of an 8 million gallon (MG) tank and a 12 million gallon per day (MGD) pump station. The larger tank, new pumps and control equipment will improve the ability of the site to deliver water to the entire City to meet current and future needs and provide water service during emergencies.
After this testing is finished, the whole project, which began in September 2022, will be substantially complete.
For more information, visit our Price Park Tank Replacement webpage. Frequently Asked Questions are toward the bottom of the page or you can contact Customer Service for more information.