Public Can Participate Live During Virtual Council Meetings
Public Can Participate Live During Virtual Council Meetings
In order to protect residents, staff, and elected officials from COVID-19, Longmont residents are urged to provide public comment from the comfort and safety of their homes by watching the meeting via livestream (links below) and by calling in on a phone number to provide public comment when prompted to do so during the meeting.
The City Council will hold their regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays, via remote virtual meeting using the Zoom software. Comments are limited to three minutes per person. Information will be displayed and announced during the live meeting directing the public on how to call in to the meeting and when to do so.  
Previously, comments were accepted in writing or via recording or voicemail and then read or played for the City Council by City staff during the meeting.  Because public participation is an integral part of any government and deeply valued by Longmont’s elected officials, the City has changed to a new software for remote meetings in order to allow for public comment to be made during the meeting.  
City staff continues to work with City Council to ensure that agendas are balanced during the COVID-19 crisis. Topics that are controversial or those requiring additional community involvement have been tabled to future meeting dates.
The weekly Council agendas are posted on the City’s website, as are instructions for other methods through which residents can connect with their elected officials. City Council meetings are live-streamed and can be viewed on the City’s YouTube channel, on LongmontPublicMedia.org, or on Comcast Xfinity Channel 8/880HD.