Public Safety Chief Candidates Panel Discussion
Public Safety Chief Candidates Panel Discussion
We appreciate the thoughtful input from the community and from staff about the priorities and qualities that the successful candidate would bring to the role of Longmont Public Safety Chief. That input shaped the job description and recruitment for the vacancy, and has helped guide the selection process.
We had a very strong response to the recruitment, with 58 applications that led to 12 initial candidates and five finalists who are being interviewed in person this week. They will also participate in a panel discussion with Public Safety staff and community organizations on Thursday evening, June 17, at 7p.m.
Members of the public can view the event live on:
- Channel 16 on Comcast
- Longmont Public Media website: http://bit.ly/Channel16LPM
- Longmont Public Media Roku app: http://bit.ly/RokuLongmontPublicMedia
- A recording of the event will be broadcast Friday on Channel 8 at 5p.m. and 8p.m.
- A recording will also available on the City of Longmont YouTube channel at http://bit.ly/YouTubeCityofLongmont
Harold Dominguez, City Manager, will be making the final hiring decision, but he has relied on public comment throughout this process. If you have comments you feel are important for him to know, please send that feedback via e-mail to Sandi Seader at Sandra.seader@longmontcolorado.gov or leave a recorded message at 303-651-8634.