Public Safety to hold Fireworks Response / Forum
Public Safety to hold Fireworks Response / Forum
In a two-week period leading up to the 4th of July, in addition to our emergency calls for service, Longmont Public Safety received hundreds of calls for illegal fireworks. On some nights the Longmont Emergency Communication Center received over 100 fireworks calls.
To put this into perspective, each on-duty patrol officer fields about 9.2 calls per hour every night (car accidents, assaults, urgent medical assistance, arrests, and calls with safety risks – many of these calls require two or more officers per call). As a result of emergency calls for service, finding available officers for fireworks complaints can be a challenge.
The Longmont public is invited on July 18 from 6pm-8pm to attend a discussion on fireworks enforcement challenges for 2017.
A short presentation will cover:
• Overview of laws relating to fireworks
• What it takes to write a ticket
• Why priority calls for service take a precedence
• Discussion on how neighborhoods can work together to reduce fireworks complaints
• Time to seek input from neighborhoods/residents on strategies to handle firework calls for service in 2017
There are a limited number of seats available for this forum. Free tickets must be obtained through Eventbrite.