Pumping Up Interest
Pumping Up Interest
It never hurts to plan things early – even if it looks a little funny at the time.
That’s why the NFL drafts football players in April, when the crack of baseball bats is just becoming audible.
It’s why Back to School sales often get going in July (or even June!) when the classroom is the last thing on a child’s mind.
So yes, even if the Colorado summer has you too overheated to even think of building or renovating a home, it’s time to talk about heat pumps.
If you’re not familiar with heat pumps … well, first of all, welcome to the crowd because they’re not as well-known as they might be. Heat pumps, as you might guess, move heat to and from your home. They can push heat out to cool your home more efficiently than standard air conditioning, or pull it in to warm things up without using natural gas. That, in turn, saves carbon emissions – especially when the electricity that powers the pump is increasingly generated from non-carbon sources.
Want to know more? Fort Collins Utilities has you covered. They’re holding a workshop on home heat pumps on Aug. 24 with information for both the general home owner crowd and for contractors looking to make this part of a build. This is a hybrid event, so you can either go in person or attend on line. (Although the in-person attendees do get the added plus of refreshments.)
You can find out more and sign up here. There’s no charge, just the opportunity to learn more about a cool topic in a way that warms you up to the subject.
Go ahead. Check it out. After all, it’s never too early, right?