Rate of Support (Full Speed Ahead blog)
Rate of Support (Full Speed Ahead blog)

With a lot of internet providers, it’s easy to predict what next year’s rates will be: “Higher.”
No surprise, right? In 2024, one analysis of the large internet companies by CNET found that prices went up by $25 to $50 per month after just one year. By then, of course, customers are usually locked into a multi-year contract and stuck with year after year of increases. Small wonder that other internet service providers typically score poorly for customer service and satisfaction.
Then there’s NextLight.
Even before Jan. 1, most NextLight customers knew what their 2025 rates would look like. After all, they’re the same as the 2024 rates. And the 2023 rates. And … well, you get the idea.
That’s the advantage of a community-owned network. One without shareholders. Or contracts. Or data caps. Just fast service at a predictable price. One where customers are neighbors who stay because the service meets their needs (or even goes beyond!), not because they have no other choice.
Again, that gets noticed. Two years ago, Longmont customers gave NextLight the highest customer satisfaction scores that PC Magazine had ever seen. Last year, NextLight’s 10th birthday brought long-time supporters out of the woodwork to celebrate with us.
It’s a winning combination.
If you haven’t connected to NextLight yet (or you’re thinking about some upgrades, like a high-powered NextLight WiFi router), visit us online and see what we’ve got to offer. And if you’re one of our stalwarts – thank you for being part of Longmont’s success.
You’ll always rate the best service that we can provide.