Request Before You Dig
Request Before You Dig
As people social distance themselves at home and with spring just around the corner, the City of Longmont reminds residents to request utility locates before digging on any property. This applies to everything from construction projects or major landscaping work to in-ground sprinkler installations or planting a new garden.
This is an ongoing City service in partnership with the Utility Notification Center of Colorado (Colorado 811). It is free and required by law.
At least two business days before you plan to dig, make your request online with Colorado 811. You can also make requests by calling 811 or (800) 922-1987.
After submitting your request to dig and allowing two business days, representatives from the various utilities will come to your property and mark the approximate location of the underground lines with colored paint and/or flags.
Failure to request locates could lead to damage to an underground utility line, potential services outages, restoration costs and physical injury or death.
Learn more about utility locates and requesting before you dig.