Rev Up the Possibilities
Rev Up the Possibilities
If you’re gearing up for a possible electric vehicle purchase, it helps to plan out the journey. And our friends at Efficiency Works have just the road map you’re looking for.
If that made you do a doubletake, it’s understandable. After all, Efficiency Works is known for helping homes and businesses throughout the Platte River Power Authority service area save energy (and often to save money with it). That’s included things like energy assessments, or rebates on building improvements, or even simple items like smart thermostats or LED light bulbs from the online Efficiency Works store.
But as it turns out, EW also has a head for EVs. For those who are curious about electric vehicles but not quite sure where to start, Efficiency Works has an online electric vehicle guide to help you out, with information that includes:
- The ability to look at battery range, price and other basic information for nearly 200 electric vehicle models, along with cost comparisons to a similar gas-powered vehicle
- Information on electric vehicle incentives, such as rebates and tax credits, to help make the purchase easier
- An EV fleet planner for companies who want to make electric vehicles part of their business
- Electric vehicle FAQs to help answer questions about charging, EV benefits and more
- And of course, links to a number of state and federal resources for more information
So pay a visit and see what the road ahead might look like for you. You might just find yourself getting charged up.