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Rita Gutierrez: Missing since March 18, 2015

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Today, March 18, marks the third year in which Rita Gutierrez disappeared in Longmont. This case remains a tragedy for the victim’s family, the community, and for our department. There are no words for such an unimaginable loss. Rita indicated to her friends that she was “getting a ride home”.

Her whereabouts remains a priority for our department and we continue to work every lead we receive.

What is the status of the investigation into her disappearance? The investigation is still active. The detective works on this case daily and continues to gather evidence, investigate tips, and consult with other investigators on a routine basis. He also speaks with her family on a regular basis to keep them apprised of the investigation and checks in on them. There has been some substantial progress in this case recently and we hope to be able to share those things with the public soon.

Is Juan Jose Figueroa still considered a suspect in the case? Yes, Juan Figueroa is still considered a suspect in Rita’s disappearance.

What is the current Crime Stoppers reward for information in this case? The reward is currently $10,000 for information leading to the arrest of anyone involved in her disappearance or $10,000 for information leading to the discovery of her remains. Additionally, anyone can call 303-774-3700 or email Longmont Police at You can choose to remain anonymous.

Longmont Public Safety has a webpage with information and updates about Rita’s case. You can find further information at