Seasonal Closure to NW Corner of Button Rock Preserve - City of Longmont Skip to main content
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Seasonal Closure to NW Corner of Button Rock Preserve

The northwest corner of Longmont’s Button Rock Preserve will close to recreation for the winter season starting December 1 to protect winter elk habitat. The closure area includes the Cook Mountain Trail and access to the Preserve from Coulson Gulch Trail (USFS Trail #916). Recreation access will reopen on April 1.

Year-round recreation opportunities, including hiking, fishing, and rock climbing, are available on the east side of Button Rock Preserve at the County Road 80/Longmont Dam Road trailhead.

In line with the Button Rock Preserve Management Plan adopted in 2023, approximately 650 acres of the preserve are closed seasonally from December-March. This is done to protect wintering wildlife during a time when many animals, including elk, deer, moose, and bighorn sheep, must subsist on a starvation diet of dead plant material. Wildlife closures give animals space to survive the harsh months of winter without the added stress of interactions with humans.

Rangers strictly enforce seasonal and habitat conservation area closures. Visitors are encouraged to help protect sensitive wildlife by respecting posted closures.

Questions? Please contact the Button Rock Ranger Station at 303-774-3783. Para información en español, llame al 303-776-6050.