Spooky and Safe (More Power to You blog) - City of Longmont Skip to main content
Halloween Decorations With Lots of Lights

Spooky and Safe (More Power to You blog)

I have to admit, Halloween has gone way beyond glowing jack-o’-lanterns. ""

These days, wandering a neighborhood in late October can turn up efforts usually reserved for winter holiday displays. There’s the house lights in purple and orange. Or the spooky sound effects that go oh-so-nicely with the gravestones and skeletons … some of which may even be animated. Heck, even the pumpkins often have LED bulbs these days.

It’s fun to see. And it’s also a good reason to remember the sort of safety rules we usually put out in Ho-Ho-Ho Season. After all, safety – like a well-decorated home – is appropriate at any time of year.

So here’s a few basics to keep in mind as you get into the spirit of the season:

  • Before you put anything out, check the wires. If they’re frayed or worn, you shouldn’t give them a ghost of a chance … retire them before they become a fire hazard. (And if you are retiring old decorations, consider buying LED lights to replace them as an energy-saver.)
  • When you’re hanging lights, lock your ladder in place and face it as you work. Make sure it’s tall enough for the job you need to do – you should never be climbing onto the top step.
  • Use indoor and outdoor extension cords in the right place, don’t overload them, and don’t pinch them in a door or window or under furniture.
  • Don’t put extension cords near water or lights near dry trees or plants.
  • If you have an unmetered porch light from the city, don’t plug decorations into it – it can burn out the small fuse.
  • Turn the decorations off before you go to bed or leave the house, or use a timer to shut them off.
  • Keep any flammable objects – fake cobwebs, leaves, crepe paper and so on – away from fire or high heat. (And consider using battery-powered candles instead of real ones.)

With just a few common-sense tricks, you can make Halloween a real treat. And that’s always a sweet deal.