St. Vrain Greenway Restoration Continues, New Trail Detour Begins March 25
St. Vrain Greenway Restoration Continues, New Trail Detour Begins March 25
Restoration and repair of Longmont’s St. Vrain Greenway is continuing as part of the Resilient St. Vrain project, and as the work moves upstream, a new St. Vrain Greenway trail detour is being implemented on March 25. The 1.1 mile on-street detour extends from South Sunset Street on the western end to Price Road on the eastern end and will be clearly marked with signs to safely route pedestrians and bicyclists around the work zone. Click here to download a PDF of the detour route. The detour for pedestrians, bicyclists and other trail users is expected to be in place through 2023 as improvements are made to a half-mile section of the trail and the St. Vrain Creek between Izaak Walton Nature Area and Price Road.
Improvements under way include construction of a flood control channel and new trail between the BNSF railroad crossing and Boston Avenue; relocation of utilities upstream of Boston Avenue; replacement of the Boston Avenue Bridge; and the construction of a levee and new trail between Izaak Walton Pond and the St. Vrain Creek (in coordination with the Army Corps of Engineers). The trail underpass at the BNSF railroad crossing will be open, as will street trail access at Price Road. Although the trail is opening in this area, there is ongoing work that will be completed this spring, including fencing, railing, irrigation and landscaping. Trail users are asked to use caution and avoid all active work areas.
Resilient St. Vrain is Longmont’s extensive, multi-year project to fully restore the St. Vrain Greenway trail and improve the St. Vrain Creek channel to protect people, property and infrastructure from future flood risk. The project was developed after Longmont experienced catastrophic flooding in September 2013. For more information, visit bit.ly/rsvp-longmont.