Striking a New Balance
Striking a New Balance
I had been pedaling down Horizon Lane for several seconds before I realized Dad had let go. And by then, the magic of the road had me.
Man, the speed!
You know the moment. So many do. That instant in grade school when you first ride a bicycle and the whole world seems to unlock in front of you. Once you have the right balance, everything becomes so easy and there’s nowhere you can’t go.
A lot of things get easier with the right balance. Including internet connections.
And as of now, NextLight is bringing that to the business world.
If you get NextLight to your home, you know that one of the great attractions is its symmetrical speed – your connection allows an upload that’s as fast as your download. That’s always been an option for our business customers, but now it’s becoming standard. As of Aug. 1, we’re offering five levels of business service, from 25 megs to the mighty gig. Every one of them now has symmetrical speeds.
Oh, yeah – and we’re also cutting the prices for many of our business speeds, all the way up to a 25% price cut for our commercial gigabit connection. Not as a promotion, but as a for-real price change.
So if your company or organization is still thinking about joining the Gig City, the argument just got even better for a network that’s already among the fastest in the nation. Check out the new rates at mynextlight.com. If you’re not a business customer yet, give us a call at 303-774-4494 or sign up online and we’ll get you started.
Grab your helmet. We’re shifting things into a higher gear.