This Week in Longmont – April 3, 2015
This Week in Longmont – April 3, 2015
The City’s Outdoor Emergency Warning System (OEWS) is being tested at 10 am on Monday, April 6. The system is tested the first Monday of every month from April through August. Other than for testing, the system will be used only to notify the community when immediate action should be taken. If you hear the siren and it isn’t the first Monday of the month at 10 am, seek shelter immediately and tune to local media for information.
No Council Meeting on Tuesday
The Longmont City Council will not meet on Tuesday, April 7 because of spring break. To see past and future agendas, and to view archived video of past meetings visit the City Clerk’s page. For more information contact the City Clerk’s Office at 303-651-8649.
Spring Fishing Event for Kids
The 12th annual Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program kickoff will be held on Saturday, April 4, at Izaak Walton Park, 18 S. Sunset Street. This program at Izaak Walton Pond provides a special opportunity for Longmont youth (age 15 and younger) to learn about local natural resources, participate in fun outdoor activities and catch their own fish, year-round. The April 4 kickoff event includes a free kids’ fishing clinic –preregistration required – free lunch and free fishing for kids. Parents can get more information about the event and registration at bit.ly/longmontkidsfish.
Water Testing Likely Not Needed
Longmont residents are receiving door hangers on their homes from a company called Clear Water Research with an offer to test their tap water for free. The City has received several calls from residents about this solicitation in the past few days. This company is not associated with the City and data collected by Clear Water Research is not being used for any purpose related to the City’s operation of its water utility. Clear Water Research is a private company offering self-described, environmental products.To find more information about drinking water provided by the City of Longmont, including our latest CCR, please visit LongmontColorado.gov/water. Residents can also call (303) 651-8468 for more information.
Businesses, civic groups, schools, neighborhoods, families and individuals are invited to help spruce up Longmont. Volunteers can pick a park, greenway, street, alley or open space to clean up, or an area of need can be assigned. The Grand Kick-Off for the month-long campaign is from 7:30 to 10:30 am on Saturday, April 11, at the Parks Administration building, 7 S. Sunset Street. If you can’t participate on kick-off day, you can help “Clean-up, Green-up” through April 30. For more information, call 303-651-8955 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/parks.
Introduction to Handgun Safety and Training
If you’re a first-time handgun owner or if you just want a refresher on the basics of handgun safety, this course is for you. One-on-one instruction will be provided from 6 to 9 pm on Friday, April 10, at the Longmont Department of Safety and Boulder County Sheriff’s Office Range and Training Facility. For more information and to register visit longmontcolorado.gov/firingrange.
Spring Windows to Wellness Fair
Enjoy samples, demonstrations and shopping at Recreation and Golf Services’ Spring Windows to Wellness fair from 9 am to 1 pm on Saturday, April 11, at the Longmont Senior Center, 910 Longs Peak Avenue. Sign up for 15-minute sessions with an alternative wellness practitioner for $5 each. Scheduled practitioners include massage, Reiki, meridian tapping, intuitive readings, Rolfing, light energy and more. Also visit the Wellness marketplace sponsored by Lucky’s Market for jewelry, locally produced items and more treats. At 10 am, learn basic and easy bicycle roadside maintenance from Pink Pedals to boost your cycle confidence and get you home safely. Call 303-651-8404 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/rec for more information.
4th Annual Longmont Library Festival
The 4th annual Longmont Library Festival: Celebrating Readers and Writers in Longmont runs from Saturday, April 11, through Saturday, April 18. The festival kicks off with a Teen After Dark Program featuring special guests the Boulder County Bombers. On Sunday, April 12, the library will host Flamenco@the Library, and Monday, April 13, is the release party for the Festival Anthology of local writers. For the entire program schedule visit LongmontColorado.gov/library.
Sandstone Ranch Spring Open House
Help kick off a great season at the Sandstone Ranch Visitors & Learning Center, 3001 E. Highway 119, from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturday, April 11. Take a walk around the beautiful grounds, look for wildlife, and tour the historic Sandstone Ranch House while learning about its rich history. Tours are at 10:30 am, 11:30 am, and 12:30 pm, and all ages are welcome! For Visitors Center hours and information about future events, visit www.LongmontColorado.gov/Sandstone or call 303-774-4692.