This Week in Longmont – August 14, 2020
This Week in Longmont – August 14, 2020
Mayor Proclaims August as El Comité de Longmont Month
In recognition of their 40-years of service to the Longmont community, Longmont Mayor Brian Bagley has proclaimed August as El Comité de Longmont month in the city. Colorado Governor Jared Polis also proclaimed August 14, 2020 as Victor L. Vela and Marta Moreno Day in recognition of their work as founding members of El Comité de Longmont.
Union Reservoir Swim Beach Moves to End-of-Season Schedule
Post-season hours for Union Reservoir’s swim beach go into effect beginning Monday, Aug. 17. At that point, the swim beach will only be open weekends—Aug. 22-23, Aug. 29-30, and Sept. 5-6—as well as Labor Day, observed this year on Monday, Sept. 7. Open hours on those dates will be 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Free Online Tutoring for Students of All Ages
The Longmont Public Library offers a new online tutoring service for students of all ages. Tutor.com from the Princeton Review offers on-demand tutoring, homework help, test preparation and writing assistance with live, professional tutors for students in grades K-adult in over 60 subjects. No appointment is needed, and tutors are available from 3 pm to 10 pm every day. Drop-off reviews, practice quizzes, video lessons, and The Princeton Review SAT®/ACT® Essentials are available 24/7. Resources are available in English and Spanish, including live Spanish-speaking tutors for some subjects. This service is free to all library card holders; visit bit.ly/LibraryTutors to get started.
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
London’s Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is one of the oldest botanic gardens in the world. At the next session in the Parks, Open Space & Trails education series, Boulder County Extension Agent Deryn Davidson will share stories about her three months working in the garden, including her experience taking care of the Queen’s roses. This free, virtual program for ages 16 and older is from 5:30 to 6:30 pm on Thursday, August 20, via Zoom. Register and see other volunteer events and educational opportunities at bit.ly/join-us-calendar.
Artwalk #Strongmont Virtual Market
From 1 to 3 pm on Saturday, August 22, you can support Longmont’s creative community. Not just a portal to online shops, this dynamic, interactive market is an invitation into each artist’s studio to watch them create art live! Visit each artist virtually, watch them create, and purchase from their online shop, all from the comfort and safety of your home. Visit FirehouseArt.org/virtual-market-series to see participating artists and to link to their livestreams.
Get ‘Er Done in One Trip!
Save time, gas, and help improve air quality in Longmont by combining your errands into a single car trip. Find more easy sustainability tips at bit.ly/sustainability-longmont.
Save on Your Business Utility Bill
To save money, you first have to understand where you’re spending it. Help your organization master that first step with “How to Read My Utility Bills,” a free virtual workshop for Longmont businesses at 8 am on Thursday, September 3. The event will help you navigate rate structures, seasonal changes, types of service, and more for your Xcel Energy natural gas bill and your City of Longmont utilities (electric, water, wastewater, NextLight), and will include money-saving tips and efficiency options. To learn more and register, email SBP@LongmontColorado.gov or call 303-651-8416.