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This Week in Longmont – August 19, 2016

Link2LONGMONT for Information and Service
You have questions. We have answers! Link2LONGMONT is the City of Longmont’s online resource for finding answers about local government and services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Visit for answers to frequently asked questions. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, or if you want to report an issue that needs attention, you can submit your inquiry and get a response within two business days. It’s easy, it’s convenient, and it works!

West Nile is Here: Fight the Bite!
West Nile virus has been detected in Boulder County. Be smart and protect yourself from mosquito bites – and West Nile virus. Use an insect repellant that contains at least 10% DEET or an alternative, dress in long sleeves and pants, limit outdoor activity between dusk and dawn, and drain standing water. To see an indicator of the West Nile virus risk level, spray maps and more, visit or the City’s Facebook page. You can subscribe to receive eNotifications about West Nile virus and scheduled spraying at

Survey in the Mail
The 2016 Longmont Customer Satisfaction Survey has been mailed to 3,000 Longmont residents. If you receive the survey, please fill it out and return it in the pre-addressed envelope as soon as you can. This is an opportunity to grade City services and to give the City Council your opinion on a variety of issues. A report of results will be presented to the City Council in December.

Cheese Importers Wins Downtown Excellence Award
Cheese Importers has been selected as a winner of Downtown Colorado Inc.’s 2016 Governor’s Award for Downtown Excellence in the category of Best Adaptive Reuse or Rehabilitation in a Large Community. Cheese Importers is located in the historic building on the N.W. corner of 1st and Main Street. The building was originally constructed in 1931 as the first power station to service city residents and was recently transformed into a downtown destination. The city worked with the Longmont Downtown Development Authority on the nomination process. This year’s winners will be honored at the 2016 Governor’s Awards Ceremony and Gala, on September 22, 2016 at the Rawlings Public Library in Pueblo, during DCI’s 2016 Annual Conference.

Events at Sandstone Ranch
The Sandstone Ranch Visitors & Learning Center, 3001 Sandstone Drive, offers programs on nature and the environment. Upcoming events include a Guided Bird Walk at 7:30 am on Tuesday, August 23, and on Saturday, August 27, programs include a Summer Blooms Guided Plant Walk & Talk at 10:30 am, Ecodyed Scarves learning demonstrations from 10:30 am to noon, and a Flower Arranging Workshop from 12:30 to 2 pm. Programs at the Ranch are free with donations collected at the event. For details and to register, visit or call 303-651-8404. 

Help Launch Latino Literature Book Club
The Longmont Public Library at 409 4th Avenue is launching a local chapter of the Las Comadres National Latino Literature Book Club. If you’re an adult or older teen interested in reading and discussing books in English by Latino and Latina authors, attend the organizational meeting from 7 to 8 pm on Thursday, August 25. Attendees will determine the best time for regular meetings and select a group facilitator. Interested but can’t attend? Call 303-774-4875 or email

Parking Enforcement Needs You!
The City’s Parking Enforcement Division is seeking volunteers for its Parking Enforcement Patrol. You’re invited to be part of this challenging, yet rewarding, program with the benefit of advocating for people with disabilities. To learn more, call 303-651-8658 or 303-774-4724.

Longmont’s Amazing Race on August 27
Mayor Dennis Coombs and Peter Powers, VP Operations, Longmont United Hospital invite you to Longmont’s Amazing Race on Saturday, August 27 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. (Registration starts at 1:45 p.m.) Register a team of two for either the Corporate Challenge or Friends & Family Division – and look forward to racing in this friendly competition themselves.

Wasps Can Be Shocking – LPC Can Help!
It can be hard to evict wasps in the summer months – and it’s important to do it safely. If you see wasps in your home’s pedestal light (the lamppost that contains the electric meter) please call Longmont Power & Communications at 303-651-8386 to have them removed. Please do NOT attempt to spray the wasps yourself! Most commercially available wasp sprays are not safe to use on electrical equipment; you could be seriously injured if the spray becomes energized. Call LPC and stay safe!

Volunteer for Festival on Main
The Longmont Downtown Development Authority is seeking volunteers to help at Festival on Main on Friday, August 26, and Saturday, August 27. Visit for more information about this amazing two-day festival, as well as volunteer positions and an online application. Or, call Del Rae Heiser at 303-651-8586