This Week in Longmont – August 2, 2019
This Week in Longmont – August 2, 2019
Recreation Facility Closures
The St. Vrain Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Avenue, will be closed for maintenance August 5-10. Roosevelt and Kanemoto activity pools close for the season on Sunday, August 11. For more information, call 303-651-8404 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/rec.
Free Landfill Drop Day
The City of Longmont lets residents take one level pickup load free of charge to the Front Range Landfill at 1830 Weld County Rd 5 in Erie from 7 am to 2 pm on Saturday, August 3. Loads must be covered and secured for transport; oversize loads and second loads will be billed. Take a photo ID and a copy of your current utility bill to show that you are a City of Longmont customer. For more information visit LongmontColorado.gov/WasteServices or call 303-651-8416.
Get Ready Now for National Night Out
The annual National Night Out crime-prevention event will be held from 6 to 9 pm on Tuesday, August 6, in neighborhoods throughout Longmont. Many neighborhoods host block parties and cookouts that include parades, flashlight walks, and youth activities. National Night Out is a great way to build neighborhood unity and stronger community ties that make our neighborhoods safer. Call 303-774-4440 to register your neighborhood and get more information.
Volunteer for Beaver Tree Painting
Volunteer for the City of Longmont’s beaver tree painting from 9 am to noon on Wednesday, August 7. This fun, family-friendly event is for ages eight and older. Beavers can be a big help creating and restoring wetlands, but native trees that enhance our urban riparian areas need to be protected from beavers. Help us apply special beaver protection paint to establishing native trees in a local nature area. Wear old clothes because the paint doesn’t wash out. Space is limited, so please register at bit.ly/2YUMD72.
Shred Your Private Documents for Free
Take boxed or bagged papers to be shredded to the Waste Diversion Center at 140 Martin Street between 9 am and 2 pm on Saturday, August 10. This is for residential documents only; no business documents accepted. Please also take ID and a copy of your most recent Longmont utility bill. For more information, call 303-651-8416 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/WasteServices.
Beautiful Roses Without Chemicals
Do you want beautiful roses without using chemicals? At the next session in the Parks, Open Space & Trails education series, Harlequin’s Gardens owner Mikl Brawner will describe how to select the correct varieties and provide proper nutrition and the right culture. This free program is from 5:30 to 6:30 pm on Monday, August 12, at the Longmont Senior Center, 910 Longs Peak Avenue. Registration is required at JoinUs.LongmontColorado.gov.
Learn About Longmont’s Sales and Use Tax
Do you have questions about the business sales and use tax in Longmont? A free seminar that will answer all your questions will be held from 10 am to noon on Wednesday, August 14, at the Civic Center, 350 Kimbark Street. To register, email Sales.Tax@LongmontColorado.gov or call 303-651-8674.
Community Emergency Response Training
During a major incident, first responders may not be able to reach everyone right away. By being trained in Community Emergency Response you will have the skills to help those around you and protect life and property. The free Community Emergency Response course trains residents to prepare for the types of disasters that our community may face. Through hands-on practice and realistic exercises residents learn how to respond safely to hazards and help organize basic disaster response. The fall CERT begins August 20. For more information and to register visit LongmontCERTAug2019.eventbrite.com.
Register Now for Fall Recreation Activities
Check out the City of Longmont’s Fall 2019 Recreation & Golf Services’ activities brochure online at LongmontColorado.gov/rec. The fall brochure covers activities, fitness classes, programs, and special events from September through December. The printed brochure has been mailed to Longmont households, and registration begins on Tuesday, August 6. For more information, call 303-651-8404.
The St. Vrain Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Avenue, will be closed for maintenance August 5-10. Roosevelt and Kanemoto activity pools close for the season on Sunday, August 11. For more information, call 303-651-8404 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/rec.
Free Landfill Drop Day
The City of Longmont lets residents take one level pickup load free of charge to the Front Range Landfill at 1830 Weld County Rd 5 in Erie from 7 am to 2 pm on Saturday, August 3. Loads must be covered and secured for transport; oversize loads and second loads will be billed. Take a photo ID and a copy of your current utility bill to show that you are a City of Longmont customer. For more information visit LongmontColorado.gov/WasteServices or call 303-651-8416.
Get Ready Now for National Night Out
The annual National Night Out crime-prevention event will be held from 6 to 9 pm on Tuesday, August 6, in neighborhoods throughout Longmont. Many neighborhoods host block parties and cookouts that include parades, flashlight walks, and youth activities. National Night Out is a great way to build neighborhood unity and stronger community ties that make our neighborhoods safer. Call 303-774-4440 to register your neighborhood and get more information.
Volunteer for Beaver Tree Painting
Volunteer for the City of Longmont’s beaver tree painting from 9 am to noon on Wednesday, August 7. This fun, family-friendly event is for ages eight and older. Beavers can be a big help creating and restoring wetlands, but native trees that enhance our urban riparian areas need to be protected from beavers. Help us apply special beaver protection paint to establishing native trees in a local nature area. Wear old clothes because the paint doesn’t wash out. Space is limited, so please register at bit.ly/2YUMD72.
Shred Your Private Documents for Free
Take boxed or bagged papers to be shredded to the Waste Diversion Center at 140 Martin Street between 9 am and 2 pm on Saturday, August 10. This is for residential documents only; no business documents accepted. Please also take ID and a copy of your most recent Longmont utility bill. For more information, call 303-651-8416 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/WasteServices.
Beautiful Roses Without Chemicals
Do you want beautiful roses without using chemicals? At the next session in the Parks, Open Space & Trails education series, Harlequin’s Gardens owner Mikl Brawner will describe how to select the correct varieties and provide proper nutrition and the right culture. This free program is from 5:30 to 6:30 pm on Monday, August 12, at the Longmont Senior Center, 910 Longs Peak Avenue. Registration is required at JoinUs.LongmontColorado.gov.
Learn About Longmont’s Sales and Use Tax
Do you have questions about the business sales and use tax in Longmont? A free seminar that will answer all your questions will be held from 10 am to noon on Wednesday, August 14, at the Civic Center, 350 Kimbark Street. To register, email Sales.Tax@LongmontColorado.gov or call 303-651-8674.
Community Emergency Response Training
During a major incident, first responders may not be able to reach everyone right away. By being trained in Community Emergency Response you will have the skills to help those around you and protect life and property. The free Community Emergency Response course trains residents to prepare for the types of disasters that our community may face. Through hands-on practice and realistic exercises residents learn how to respond safely to hazards and help organize basic disaster response. The fall CERT begins August 20. For more information and to register visit LongmontCERTAug2019.eventbrite.com.
Register Now for Fall Recreation Activities
Check out the City of Longmont’s Fall 2019 Recreation & Golf Services’ activities brochure online at LongmontColorado.gov/rec. The fall brochure covers activities, fitness classes, programs, and special events from September through December. The printed brochure has been mailed to Longmont households, and registration begins on Tuesday, August 6. For more information, call 303-651-8404.