This Week in Longmont – December 16, 2016
This Week in Longmont – December 16, 2016
This light and lively holiday celebration is filled with classic music of the season and festive decorations in the Stewart Auditorium. Some of the best ensembles and soloists from the area will perform, including a special performance of Jewish klezmer musical traditions. Enjoy hot chocolate and cookies and a cash bar, visit with Santa, and view an exhibition of historic winter photos from the Museum’s collection. Shows begin at 3 pm and at 6:30 pm on Saturday, December 17, at the Museum, 400 Quail Road. Admission is $15 for adults and $10 for students and seniors. Visit LongmontColorado.gov/museum for more information and to purchase tickets.
Council Members Serving on National Boards and Committees
Council Members Gabe Santos, Bonnie Finley and Jeff Moore will be serving on National League of Cities (NLC) Boards and Committees in 2017. Santos has bee appointed to the Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations (FAIR) federal advocacy committee and will serve the second year of his two-year appointment to the NLC Hispanic Elected Local Officials (HELO) Board of Directors in 2017. Finley has been reappointed to the Community and Economic Development (CED) federal advocacy committee. She served on this committee in 2016. Moore will serve the second year of his two-year appointment to the NLC Board of Directors in 2017.
Harps for the Holidays
From 1 to 3 pm on Saturday, December 17, the Colorado Celtic Harp Society once again brings the lyrical magic of their instruments to the library’s second floor for an afternoon of holiday tunes. Stop by and enjoy beautiful music throughout the library at 409 4th Avenue. No registration required.
From December 27 through January 8 the City of Longmont provides four satellite Christmas tree drop off locations: Roosevelt Park – parking lot south of 8th Avenue, Garden Acres Park – west side of parking lot off 18th Avenue, Kanemoto Park – parking lot off of S. Pratt Parkway, and Centennial Park – east parking lot off of Alpine Street. Please remove all holiday decorations and light strands. You also can recycle your tree at the Waste Diversion Center, 140 Martin Street, from 7:30 am to 4:45 pm, Monday through Saturday. For more information visit LongmontColorado.gov/solidwaste or call 303-651-8416.
Storm into the Holidays With a Cleared Meter
A snowy holiday season can be beautiful, but it also doubles the time needed to read Longmont’s 69,000 water and electric meters. Lend a hand by keeping the areas near your meters free of snow and ice, especially the “meter pit” in the yard, which can easily be buried by a fresh snowfall. For some other ways to keep everything skating along smoothly, just visit LongmontColorado.gov/lpc and click on “Electric Service,” followed by “Meter Reading.” Meanwhile, have a happy and safe holiday!
Winter Break Makerspace Afternoons
Get out of the house and get to the Library at 409 4th Avenue for Winter Break Makerspace Afternoons from 1 to 4 pm every day from Monday, December 19, through Saturday, December 31 (except December 25 and 26). If you have bored children, we have lots of LEGOs and Zometools, and they’ll keep your kids occupied for a busy afternoon of building. Th is program is open to children age 18 and younger, and no registration is required.
Chill Out at the Read-in for Teens
Between 10 am and 6 pm on Thursday, December 22, bring a book (or four), or borrow one of the Library’s, to escape with and enjoy during a daylong read-in for teens at the Longmont Public Library, 409 4th Avenue. Sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, and slippers are all welcome, and hot chocolate, tea, and sweet treats will be provided. Th is event is for 6th through 12th graders, and no registration is required. Just get cozy and read to your heart’s content.
Winter Break Yoga for Teens
From noon to 1 pm on Tuesday, December 27, join yoga instructor Caitlin Rose Kenney at the Longmont Public Library, 407 4th Avenue, for an hour-long beginning yoga session to relax and de-stress. Th is class is specially designed for teens in 6th through 12th grades, and all levels of yoga experience are welcome. Bring a yoga mat; a small number will be available to borrow. Th is program is limited to 25 participants. Call 303-651-8477 to register.
City Holiday Schedules
Longmont city government observes the Christmas holiday on Sunday, December 25, and Monday, December 26. On Sunday, all City facilities will be closed. On Monday, most City facilities will be closed; all Recreation facilities except the St. Vrain Memorial Building will be open regular hours. On Saturday, December 24, all Recreation facilities except the Ice Pavilion close at 3 pm. For Recreation schedules visit LongmontColorado.gov/rec. Trash and recycling collection will be one day later than usual during the week.