This Week in Longmont – December 22, 2017
This Week in Longmont – December 22, 2017
City Holiday Schedule
Longmont city government observes the Christmas holiday on Monday, December 25. All City facilities will be closed. All facilities also will be closed on Monday, January 1, for the New Year holiday. Following both holidays trash, recycling and composting collection will be one day later than usual throughout the week.
New Year’s Day Zumba at the Recreation Center
Join recreation instructors for the 7th annual Zumba party from 1 to 2:30 pm on Monday, January 1, at the Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Road. Start your new year with contests, prizes, fun and fitness! This event is for ages 13 and older, and regular admission fees apply. No registration needed. For more information, call 303-774-4800.
SMARTWeather Alerts Now Available
Longmont Public Safety has added the SMARTWeather alerting system to the existing Everbridge Emergency Notification System to provide location-specific severe weather alerts from the National Weather Service. Everyone currently signed up with Longmont’s Everbridge system will receive notification automatically of flash flood and tornado warnings; no action is required. If you would like to register your cell phone or email for emergency notifications visit and search “emergency notification.”
Calling All Angels
The Longmont Department of Public Safety is seeking volunteer “Angels” to work with the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative. This program encourages drug users to seek recovery and connects them to treatment programs and facilities. Angel volunteer community members are responsible for engaging and supporting Angel participants when they ask for help. For more information call 303-774-4440 or visit
Give Your Thoughts on New Multi-use Corridors
Enhanced Multi-use Corridors are street corridors with safe, comfortable, low-stress bicycle and pedestrian facilities, much like multi-use trails, to provide connectivity within the City’s trail system and multimodal transportation network. A public meeting was held to review draft concepts and gather input from the community, and you can find information from that meeting at (search “corridor plan”). The public is invited to complete a survey to help staff better understand community opinions on this issue. Visit to provide your thoughts.
Extended Open Skate at the Ice Pavilion
The Longmont Ice Pavilion at 725 8th Avenue has extended open skate hours during the St. Vrain Valley School District winter school break. Visit or call 303-774-4777 for the daily schedule.
LPC Has a Christmas Presence for You
We know that electric and internet needs never take a holiday. So even though the Longmont Service Center is closed on Christmas Day, Longmont Power & Communications is still ready to meet any emergencies that may arise. Call the outage line at 303-776-0011 or the main office at 303-651-8386 and we’ll get our crews where they need to go.
Sales Tax Rate to Change in 2018
Longmont voters approved an increase to the City’s Public Safety tax to hire more police officers, dispatchers, firefighters and to buy more equipment. The new combined rate of 8.515% begins in 2018. Learn more about the change on the City’s sales and use tax webpage.
City of Longmont Water Utility Receives Award of Recognition for Outstanding Performance
The City of Longmont has received the “Directors Award of Recognition” from the Partnership for Safe Water, a program developed by the American Water Works Association, the Environmental Protection Agency and associated Partner organizations, to guide water suppliers towards improving water quality by optimizing system operations. Read the full news release.