This Week in Longmont – December 24, 2015
This Week in Longmont – December 24, 2015
City Holiday Schedules
Longmont city government observes Christmas on Friday, December 25, as a holiday. The following facilities will be CLOSED: Civic Center, Service Center, Senior Center, Library, Museum, Youth Center, Development Services Center, Waste Diversion Center, Recreation Center, St. Vrain Memorial Building, Centennial Pool, and Ice Pavilion. On Thursday, December 24, the Cashier window in the Civic Center will close at 5 pm; the Ice Pavilion will close at 4 pm; and the Recreation Center, the Memorial Building and Centennial Pool will close at 3 pm.
Resolve to Save with Efficiency Works
A new year lies ahead, so why not consider some new energy savings to go with it? With Efficiency Works, a Longmont Power & Communications customer can get a complete home energy audit for only $60 (a savings of $325) and then apply for rebates to help make upgrades that will save money and energy into the future. Call 877-981-1888 to speak with an energy advisor and begin your resolution for a more energy-efficient home.
Need a Ride? Try CarShare
Longmont now has two carshare locations: the Park-n-Ride at 8th Avenue and Coffman Street and Casa de la Esperanza at 1520 S. Emery Street. eGo CarShare allows you to rent a car for 15 minutes, an hour, as long as you need – gas and insurance included! The first 25 people join free with promo code “Longmont15,” and the next 25 to join save $10. There also are special LHA and BCHA discounts. Learn more and join at carshare.org.
Denver Nuggets Skills Challenge
Young basketball fans ages 7 through 14 (as of April 30, 2016) can exhibit their dribbling, passing and shooting skills at the free Denver Nuggets Basketball Skills Challenge competition at 1 pm on Saturday, January 2, at the Longmont Recreation Center, 310 Quail Road. Top scorers in each age group will advance to a sectional competition; sectional winners advance to the state championship and receive tickets to a Denver Nuggets game. Entry forms are available at the event beginning at noon. For more information, call 303-774-4800 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/rec.
Learn About “Winter in the Wild” at the Library
National Park Service Rangers will host a fun and informative workshop about how animals get ready for winter at the Longmont Public Library, 409 4th Avenue. The two sessions of this free program – from 1 to 2 pm and from 3 to 4 pm on Wednesday, December 30 – are for students in grades K-3, and registration is required. Call 303-651-8477 and be sure to indicate which session you will attend.
Recycle Your Holiday
The City of Longmont provides several special trash and recycling services during the holidays. Christmas tree recycling is available December 26 through January 10 at four satellite drop-off locations. Wrapping paper and holiday lights can be recycled at the Waste Diversion Center, 140 Martin Street, from December 26 through January 30. Block Styrofoam® can be recycled at the Waste Diversion Center year-round. Visit LongmontColorado.gov/solidwaste or call 303 651-8416 for details and guidelines. Also, please take identification and a current City of Longmont utility bill to show that you are a city resident paying for trash and recycling services.