This Week in Longmont – December 4, 2020
This Week in Longmont – December 4, 2020
Free Holiday Events with Santa
Santa is hard at work this holiday season, taking calls and making toys – over Zoom! North Pole Toy Workshop – Friday, December 11, and Saturday, December 12: Pick up your free toy kit (instructions on registration receipt) for children ages 0 -13 then join Santa’s virtual tutorial at your scheduled time. Friday is for elf ornaments; Saturday is for holiday treat trays. Calls With Santa – Saturday, December 12, or Sunday, December 13 (up to five children per call). Register for these free events at LongmontColorado.gov/LongmontLights or call 303-651-8404. An adult must be present and visible to Santa at all times. Special thanks to Xfinity and Home Depot for their sponsorship.
Are You Smarter Than a Librarian?
From 7 to 8:30 pm on Monday, December 14, the Longmont Library will again host “Are You Smarter than a Librarian?” This interactive, online trivia game for adults and older children is moderated by a Longmont librarian. It can accommodate up to 25 people, teams, or households to compete for bragging rights by winning the best of five rounds of play. Find more information and register now at bit.ly/LibPrograms.
Cookie Decorating and Cozy Stories
Celebrate the arrival of winter with cookie decorating and cozy stories with the library. From 5 to 6 pm on Wednesday, December 16, children’s librarians will host a two-part online program featuring cookie decorating and winter-themed stories. Registration for cookie decorating includes a free cookie decorating kit that families can pick up at the library’s Curbside Delivery. Register online at bit.ly/LibKids by December 15.
Give Yourself the Gift of Savings
Buy yourself a gift that saves water and money: upgrade your old toilet to a more efficient model. Restrictions apply. Learn more at bit.ly/water-rebates or call 303-651-8416.
“Stories of Our Longmont Parks”
In honor of the 150th anniversary of Longmont’s founding, former City employee Paula Fitzgerald has released her new book “Stories of Our Longmont Parks,” a pictorial history of the city’s 31 neighborhood and community parks. “Stories of Our Longmont Parks” is on sale for $24.99 online at bit.ly/longmontparksbook or by calling the Longmont Museum at 303-651-8374. You can pick up your purchased copy curbside at the Museum, 400 Quail Road. It also is available to borrow from the Longmont Library.
December Shred Event Canceled
The shred event scheduled for Saturday, December 5, at the Waste Diversion Center is canceled. The next shred event is scheduled for January 9, 2021. Due to uncertainty related to COVID-19, please confirm before leaving home that the event is being held. The Waste Diversion Center at 140 Martin Street is open, and there is a designated bin for shredded paper at the drop-off area. For more information and a schedule of 2021 shred event dates, visit bit.ly/paper-shredding.
The quarterly GO magazine for adults 55+ is now available online.View the Winter GO online now. Printed copies will be made available soon, be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter to be notified. The Senior Center has many online classes, lectures, and discussion groups scheduled for December, January, and February, and registration is open now! Check out the catalog, and call 303-651-8411 to register for programs. You can also register online here. Even though the Senior Center is still closed, we are grateful to be able to provide online activities for the older adults in our community. Many activities have a call-in option if you can’t use a computer or smart device. Our Senior Computer Technology (SCTC) Coaches are also available to assist you in learning how to use Zoom. Visit the SCTC website for more information.