This Week in Longmont – February 23, 2018
This Week in Longmont – February 23, 2018
Coffee with Council
Longmont City Council will host Coffee with Council from 9 to 10 am on Saturday, February 24, at Ozo Coffee, 1232 S. Hover Street. You can talk informally with at least two council members on any topic of your choice, and the coffee’s on us! Council members Rodriguez and Christensen are scheduled to attend. For more information call the City Clerk’s Office at 303-651-8649.
Tuesday is Ward I Election Day
Ballots for the special election to fill the vacant Ward I city council seat must be returned by 7 pm on Tuesday, February 27. Visit bit.ly/2018Ward1 for information on where and when to return your ballot, including drive-up voting on election day only. Election results will be posted at BoulderCounty.org/elections.
Celebrate Chinese New Year
Join several community groups from 2 to 5 pm on Saturday, February 24, at Silver Creek High School, to celebrate the Chinese Year of the Dog. Sample Asian foods and enjoy lion dance, Taiko drumming, music, Chinese arts and crafts, and much more. This event is free and open to the public.
Bicycle Connections Longmont
The City of Longmont will host an open forum for all who ride or want to ride bikes around Longmont from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Wednesday, February 28, at Left Hand Brewing, 1265 Boston Avenue. Commuters, utilitarian riders, recreational riders and racers are all welcome to hear updates on the bike trail system, anticipated upcoming road treatments, and safe road-related updates. For more information and to register, email Lauren.Greenfield@LongmontColorado.gov or call 303-651-8924.
Register for Kids’ Spring Fishing Event
The 16th annual Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program kickoff event will be on Saturday, March 24, at Izaak Walton Park, 18 S. Sunset Street. The Chick Clark Fishing Program at Izaak Walton Pond provides a special opportunity for Longmont youth age 15 and younger to learn how to fish, participate in fun outdoor activities, and catch their own fish year-round. This kickoff event includes a free kids’ fishing clinic (preregistration required), free lunch, and free fishing for children. Parents can get more information and register at bit.ly/kidsfishlongmont. Registration opens February 19.
Longmont Fire Station 6 Open House
On Saturday, February 24, Fire Station 6, located at 501 South Pratt Parkway, will host an Open House 1 to 3 pm. Longmont Fire will have out mannequins for residents to try out hands-only CPR. We will also have the aerial platform set up if the weather cooperates. Plan to join us, we would love to meet you.
Participate in Open Space Plan Update
The City is updating the Open Space Master Plan that will evaluate our community’s open space needs so we can plan for the future. City staff and consultants will conduct a community needs assessment through surveys and with a public workshop on March 22. Find details on the workshops, take the survey and more at bit.ly/openspaceplan or call 303-651-8416.