This Week in Longmont – January 12, 2018
This Week in Longmont – January 12, 2018
City Council Open Forum
The January 16 city council meeting, beginning at 7 pm in the Council Chambers at 350 Kimbark Street, will be an Open Forum for residents to talk for 5 minutes each to council members about any topic on their minds. This is the only agenda item for this meeting; plan to arrive a little early to put your name on the list of speakers. For more information about city council meetings visit LongmontColorado.gov/departments/city-council.
MLK Day Events
The public is invited to three local events to honor and celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. From 6:30 to 8 pm on Friday, January 12, a Community Celebration in the Arts at Silver Creek High School, 4901 Nelson Road, will feature music, art and drama. From 9 to 11 am on Saturday, January 13, the Courageous Care Forum at Second Baptist Church, 5300 Baseline Road in Boulder, will present a dialogue with a panel of people who marched with Dr. King. Finally, from 9 am to noon on Monday, January 15, at Silver Creek High School, “All Cultures One Voice” will present community service projects, a program of music and dance, and an art exhibit. The featured speaker is Rodney K. Strong of Atlanta. For more information call 303-651-8444 or email Adriana.Perea@LongmontColorado.gov.
City Holiday Schedule on Monday
Longmont city government observes the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday, January 15. Most City facilities are closed. The St. Vrain Memorial Building is closed, but all other Recreation facilities are open regular hours. Trash, recycling and composting collection will be one day later than usual throughout the week.
Itty Bitty City Resumes January 12
Is it too cold to play outside? Toddlers and preschool-age children will enjoy indoor fun on Fridays from 9 to 11 am at the St. Vrain Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Avenue. Recreation Services provides plenty of toys and room to move in the gymnasium. Itty Bitty City is for children age 6 months to 5 years; no older children please. The drop-in fee is $2 per child, and a 10-visit pass is available for $17. Parents must supervise their children. Questions? Call 303-651-8404.
Project ALERT Community Meeting
Project ALERT is a new effort by residents for residents to give residents the knowledge and tools they need to strengthen their neighborhoods. The next class will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 am on Thursday, January 18, at the OUR Center, 220 Collyer Street. You’ll learn about the Citizen Volunteer Patrol and the Angel Initiative, and there also will be a discussion of healthy neighborhoods. Call or text Richard at 303-845-2785 to reserve your place.
City Seeks Your Opinion of Free Bus Rides
Ride or not, the City wants your thoughts on Longmont’s local bus service and the City-sponsored Ride Free Longmont program. Take the one-minute survey at LongmontColorado.gov/transportation. Find information about routes and scheduling at rtd-denver.com.
Enjoy a Family Concert at the Library
Kick off the MLK holiday weekend with a fun and playful family concert with singer/songwriter Bradley Weaver from 11 to 11:45 am on Friday, January 12, at the Library, 409 4th Avenue. No registration required; just stop by.
Shred Your Private Documents for Free
Take boxed or bagged papers to be shredded to the Waste Diversion Center at 140 Martin Street between 9 am and 2 pm on Saturday, January 13. This is for residential documents only; no business documents accepted. Please also take ID and a copy of your most recent Longmont utility bill. For more information, call 303-651-8416 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/solidwaste.
Replacement of the South Pratt Parkway Bridge is beginning. Zak Dirt, the project contractor, will begin moving equipment into the work area starting Friday. Prepping the jobsite and clearing a staging area will begin Tuesday. Lane closures related to the bridge project are anticipated to begin near the end of January. One traffic lane will be kept open in each direction for most of the project. Residents and businesses in the area will be kept informed about detours and closures, and updates will be available on the project hotline, 303-219-7474. For more information visit bit.ly/pratt-bridge, email southprattpkwybridge@gmail.com, or call 303-219-7474.