This Week in Longmont – January 21, 2022
This Week in Longmont – January 21, 2022
Virtual Coffee with Council on Saturday, January 29
Longmont City Council will host a virtual Coffee with Council from 9-10 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 29. At this event, you can talk informally with Council Members Tim Waters and Susie Hidalgo-Fahring on any topic of your choice. For more information, call 303-651-8649. Visit LongmontColorado.gov/City_Council and click on “Coffee with Council” on the side menu to view log-in instructions.
Itty Bitty City Postponed
Due to COVID-19 safety concerns, Itty Bitty City, a preschool drop-in program originally scheduled to begin mid-January at the Memorial Building, has been postponed this winter. Learn about alternate preschool activities at https://rec.ci.longmont.co.us (use category Preschool or search by age).
Feedback: Sugar Mill + STEAM Sub Area
The City has kicked off a sub area planning process to develop a more detailed vision and development strategy for the Sugar Mill and STEAM areas. The project team wants to hear from you! This area of Longmont, generally located near the historic Sugar Mill and south of Downtown has long been of interest for the community. Check out Engage.LongmontColorado.gov/sugar-mill-steam to provide feedback on project goals, ask questions and learn more about the previous efforts that will inform this work. Share your thoughts today!
New Museum Exhibit Opens Jan. 29
The newest exhibit at the Longmont Museum, “Washi Transformed: New Expressions in Japanese Paper,” will open on Saturday, Jan. 29, and showcases more than 30 expressive sculptures, dramatic installations, and two-dimensional works made by contemporary Japanese artists using traditional paper. Admission is $8 adults, $5 students/seniors, free for Museum members and children 3 and younger. Opening reception originally scheduled for Jan. 28 has been postponed due to COVID-19. Learn more at LongmontMuseum.org or by calling 303-651-8374.
You’ve Got the Power to Be Sustainable!
You’ve got the power to help Longmont be more sustainable! Plug electronics and lamps into advanced power strips to help conserve energy when you’re not using them. Receive an instant rebate by purchasing them directly from the Efficiency Works Store. Visit EfficiencyWorksStore.com or call 855-314-9963 to learn more.
Teen-Powered Dungeons & Dragons
Calling all teenage D&D lovers! Sixth through 12th-graders who have experience playing Dungeons & Dragons are invited to play friendly campaigns from 6-7:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of every month from February through May at the Longmont Library. The most experienced players will Dungeon Master. This is a teen-powered program! Participants will have to work together cooperatively to create the playing experience. New players may join, but there is no specific instruction provided for beginners. Registration is now open! Visit bit.ly/LibTeens and click on “Events for Teens & Tweens” to register.