This Week in Longmont – January 4, 2019
This Week in Longmont – January 4, 2019
City Council Open Forum
The Tuesday, January 15, city council meeting, beginning at 7 pm in the Council Chambers at 350 Kimbark Street, will be an Open Forum for residents to talk for 5 minutes each to council members about any topic on their minds. This is the only agenda item for this meeting; plan to arrive a little early to put your name on the list of speakers. For more information about city council meetings visit LongmontColorado.gov/departments/city-council.
Meet with Council Member Waters
Residents of Ward I (generally northeast and far east Longmont) and all interested Longmont residents are invited to share questions, concerns and aspirations with Council Member Tim Waters from 11 am to noon on Saturday, January 12, at the Lashley Street Station, 1200 Lashley Street. Residents also are invited to comment on the Oligarchy Ditch Primary Greenway Trail project from 10 to 11 am at the same location. The project manager will provide an overview and answer questions about this project.
Shred Your Private Documents for Free
Take boxed or bagged papers to be shredded to the Waste Diversion Center at 140 Martin Street between 9 am and 2 pm on Saturday, January 12. This is for residential documents only; no business documents accepted. Please also take ID and a copy of your most recent Longmont utility bill. For more information, call 303-651-8416 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/WasteServices.
Strider Glider Biking for Preschoolers
Introduce your child age 2 to 5 to Strider Glider balance bikes from 9:30 to 10:30 am on select Wednesdays at the Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Avenue. We supply the gym space; you provide instruction and supervision. Upcoming dates are January 9, February 13, and March 13. A few loaner bikes are available, or bring your own. The cost is $6 per rider. Call 303-651-8404 to register.
Itty Bitty City Returns
Itty Bitty City returns from 9 to 11 am on Fridays from January 11 through May 17 at the St. Vrain Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Avenue. Children ages 6 months to 5 years have lots of room to run and play in the gym. Parents must supervise their children, and no older children, please. The cost is $3 per child or $24 for a 10-visit pass. No registration is needed for this drop-in program.
Hide-and-Seek at Teen Takeover Saturday
Teens and tweens will take over the library at 409 4th Avenue for one big night, and your kids won’t want to miss this fun, after-hours program. Teen Takeover Saturday, from 6 to 9 pm on January 12, features massive hide-and-seek games in the library and, of course, pizza for dinner. This program is for 6th through 12th graders only. Register at bit.ly/LibTeens. No email? Call 303-651-8477 to register.
Registration Software Update
From 5 pm on Sunday, January 13, through Thursday, January 17, the registration and reservation software used by Recreation, Senior Services, the Museum, and the Firing Range will be unavailable. Facilities will operate regular hours, and cash or checks are preferred for drop-in fees. No new registrations or reservations will be taken while we migrate to a new system to better serve you.
Practice Conversational English at the Library
“Say Hello!,” an informal English conversation group, will debut at the Library, 409 4th Avenue, from 10 to 11 am on Saturday, January 12, and return every second Saturday of the month thereafter. Enjoy snacks while practicing conversation with others interested in improving their English in a relaxed, nonjudgmental setting. Conversations are conducted in English and guided by a native English speaker familiar with Spanish. Those with at least an intermediate level of English proficiency will gain the most, but everyone is welcome, regardless of proficiency level or native tongue. No registration is required.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Celebration
Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Featuring music, videos, dancing, family-friendly activities, and speaker Dr. Almella Starks-Umoja, whose father was a key figure of Dr. King’s planning committee. Join us January 21 from 10 am – noon (doors open 9:30 AM) at Silver Creek High School, 4901 Nelson Rd. For more information, contact Adriana Perea at 303-651-8444 or adriana.perea@longmontcolorado.gov.