This Week in Longmont – March 16, 2018
This Week in Longmont – March 16, 2018
Give Your Feedback on City Open Space Plan
The City of Longmont is updating its Open Space Master Plan, and the second of two public workshops will be held from 6 to 8 pm on Thursday, March 22, at 7 S. Sunset Street. All residents, including youth and Spanish speakers, are encouraged to attend and give input. Details of the Open Space Master Plan, as well as feedback collected at the first public workshop, are available for review at bit.ly/openspaceplan. There, you also can answer an online questionnaire to provide your ideas and opinions.
Public Meeting on Homeless Services
Please join the Longmont Housing Opportunities Team from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Monday, March 19, at the Longmont Senior Center, 910 Longs Peak Avenue, for a community roundtable discussion about services for homeless persons in Longmont. Individuals, businesses, faith groups, community organizations, nonprofits, and government collaborators are invited to listen and engage in a structured dialogue. Together, participants will explore topics and resources relative to people experiencing homelessness and consider how, together, we might meet the needs of these vulnerable community members.
Register for Kids’ Spring Fishing Event
The 16th annual Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program kickoff event will be on Saturday, March 24, at Izaak Walton Park, 18 S. Sunset Street. The Chick Clark Fishing Program at Izaak Walton Pond provides a special opportunity for Longmont youth age 15 and younger to learn how to fish, participate in fun outdoor activities, and catch their own fish year-round. This kickoff event includes a free kids’ fishing clinic (preregistration required), free lunch, and free fishing for children. Parents can get more information and register at bit.ly/kidsfishlongmont.
Spring Break Book Club at the Library
From 2:30 to 4 pm on Friday, March 30, join readers in 5th through 8th grades for a fun discussion of the graphic novel “Roller Girl.” Then, enjoy roller derby-related crafts and learn about the Boulder County Bombers, our local roller derby team. This program will be held at the Longmont Public Library at 409 4th Avenue, and registration is required at bit.ly/LibTeens. No internet access? Call 303-651-8472 to register.
Prescribed Burns Planned
Between March 22 and April 13, the City of Longmont will conduct two prescribed burns on City open space. One will be at Lykins Gulch on the west side of town, and the other will be at Boulder Creek Estates Open Space on the east side of town. Exact dates will depend on the weather. Follow the City on Facebook or Twitter, or sign up for eNotifications at LongmontColorado.gov/News to get the most up-to-date information on these and other City events.
Under the Night Sky: Amazing Astronomy
Learn about the stars from the Longmont Astronomical Society during an informative indoor lecture at 7 pm on Friday, March 23, at the Sandstone Ranch Visitors & Learning Center, 3001 Sandstone Drive. Then, head outdoors (weather permitting) to view the night sky. Programs at the Visitors Center have limited seating. Register in advance online at LongmontColorado.gov/rec (keyword search SSRVLC) or call 303-651-8404. The suggested donation of $4/adult, $2/child is collected at the event.
Mineral Mania! at the Library
The Mad Science Workshop brings its popular Mineral Mania! program to the Library at 409 4th Avenue on Wednesday, March 28. Two sessions will be offered: one from 1 to 2 pm for kindergartners through 3rd graders and one from 3 to 4 pm for children in 4th through 6th grades. The programs are free, but registration is required. Register online at bit.ly/LibKids. No internet? Call 303-651-8477 to register.
LPC is “Springing” Into the Home Show!
Spring is a time for renewal – including home renovation, landscaping plans, and energy efficiency. So come visit the Boulder County Home and Garden Show March 23-25 at the Boulder County Fairgrounds. Longmont Power & Communications will be there to talk with you about ways to save money and energy in your home, beginning with an Efficiency Works™ home energy audit for just $60, a $325 savings. Call 877-981-1888 to schedule your audit or go online to LPC’s Efficiency Works Home page to learn more. LPC also will have information about Longmont’s high-speed NextLight™ internet service and how you can get a free month of service by referring a friend, so stop on by.