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This Week in Longmont – March 27, 2015

Coffee with Council  
Longmont City Council will host Coffee with Council from 9 to 10 am on Saturday, March 28, at Mac’s Place, 1640 Pace Street. At this event, you can talk informally with at least two council members on any topic of your choice. Council members Brian Bagley and Polly Christensen are scheduled to attend. For information about council meetings and agendas, call the City Clerk’s Office at 303-651-8649.

Hard-to-Recycle Event This Saturday
The Longmont Waste Diversion Center at 140 Martin Street will hold a Hard-to-Recycle Event from 9 am to 1 pm on Saturday, March 28, for materials that are not accepted for curbside recycling. Materials accepted include computers, electronics, televisions, block Styrofoam, cell phones, and plastic bags. There may be a fee for certain items. Please bring ID and a copy of your current utility bill showing the waste management fee. For more information visit or call 303-651-8416.

Focus on South Main: Work on Main/Ken Pratt Intersection Begins March 27
Work is set to begin Friday, March 27 on Ken Pratt Boulevard and Main Street intersection. The goal is improve this intersection by creating an additional lane in the eastbound, westbound and southbound directions. The first phase of construction, which is anticipated to last from March 27 – May, will consist of widening Ken Pratt Boulevard in the eastbound direction and reconstruction of signals. Construction during this phase will impact eastbound traffic, with daily lane closures from 8:30 am – 2:30 pm. Although work is occurring mainly in the eastbound lanes, all traffic through this area may be subject to slower speeds and delays due to construction from 7 am – 7 pm. Find more information at

Comments Invited on Flood Recovery Plan
The public is invited to review and comment on proposed flood recovery activities included in the Boulder County Collaborative CDBG-DR Action Plan. You can review the plan and provide comments at (search for “flood information”) or in person at the City of Longmont Housing and Community Investment Division, 350 Kimbark Street. The comment period has been extended to April 20.

RTD Fare Study Public Hearing
RTD is holding public hearings to gather input regarding changes to its fare structure. The recommended alternatives include eliminating transfers in favor of all-day passes at twice the one-way fare and changing the BOLT and J bus services to the proposed $2.60 one-way local fare, down from the current $4.00 one-way fare. Current free local bus service will continue at least until June of 2016. The Longmont meeting will be at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, April 1, at the Longmont Public Library, 409 4th Avenue. You also can review the proposed changes and submit comments at

LPC Project Gets Underway as Pedestal Light Replacement Wraps Up
Longmont Power & Communications will finish installing LEDs in all of Longmont’s “pedestal lights” this year and will soon be replacing the city’s street lights with the high-efficiency luminaires. Late this month, workers will start replacing lamps in 160 street lights, primarily between Main and Martin Street on Ken Pratt Boulevard, and from Ken Pratt to Longs Peak Avenue on Main Street. LEDs will also be installed:
• On Third and Fourth avenues from Main to Kimbark Street
• On Kimbark between Third and Fourth
• Along the South Pratt Parkway from Second Avenue to Boston Avenue.  
The work, which is part of a citywide replacement program, is expected to be finished by Memorial Day weekend. 

Business Plan Essentials for Small Business
The Small Business Development Center, in partnership with the Longmont Area Economic Council and the City of Longmont, is offering a workshop to help small business owners develop or refine their business plan. This class is from 6 to 9 pm on Tuesday, April 7, at the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce, 528 Main Street. There is no cost to Longmont prospective and existing small businesses. To register visit or call 303-442-1475, ext.2.

Free Water-Wise Landscaping Seminars
In partnership with the City of Longmont, the Center for ReSource Conservation offers Water-Wise Seminars on a wide variety of landscaping topics. There is no cost to Longmont residents and they are open to everyone. “Introduction to Xeriscape” will be held from 6 to 8 pm on Monday, April 6, and “Edible Xeriscaping” will be from 6 to 8 pm on Monday, April 13, at the Longmont Senior Center, 910 Longs Peak Avenue. For more information on these and other seminars, visit

Spring Break Activities for Kids of All Ages
Longmont Recreation and Golf Services offers lots of fun and educational programs for kids during spring break. Choose from multi-sports camps, basketball clinics, girls’ fast-pitch softball and horseback riding for sports enthusiasts. Or, for art lovers, there’s painting and clay hand building. Plus, there are five days of Super Hero Engineering as well as the American Red Cross Babysitter’s Boot Camp that provides certification in babysitting, first aid and CPR all in one class. For registration and more options, including animal tracking, tree climbing, triathlon, and lifeguard/WSI training, visit and search for “noschool.”

Citywide “Clean-up, Green-up” on April 11 – April 30 
Businesses, civic groups, schools, neighborhoods, families and individuals are invited to help spruce up the city. Volunteers can pick a park, greenway, street, alley or open space to clean up, or an area of need can be assigned. The Grand Kick-Off for the month-long campaign will be held on Saturday, April 11, from 7:30 – 10:30 a.m. at the Parks Administration building, 7 South Sunset Street. If you can’t participate on kick-off day, you can help “Clean-up, Green-up” through April 30. For more information, call (303) 651-8955 or visit