This Week in Longmont – March 5, 2021
This Week in Longmont – March 5, 2021
‘Text-a-Librarian’ Service Now Available
Contacting your Longmont Public Library staff just got easier. The new “Text-a-Librarian” service allows patrons to use text messages to send questions to and receive answers from Longmont Public Library staff — just text “Start” to 720-466-7887 and follow the prompts. Learn more at bit.ly/ContactLPL#text or call 303-651-8470.
Upcoming Free Virtual Programs at Museum
Free Virtual Art & Sip Classes: Gather your materials listed at LongmontMuseum.org and join us online for free classes using polymer clay. You’ll learn a few techniques and have fun making art!
- March 10, 7:30 pm: Phases of the Moon wall hanging
- March 17, 7:30 pm: Hanging Air Plant Planter
Free Thursday Night @ Virtual Museum: Join us for thought-provoking conversations presented live from the Stewart Auditorium.
- March 11, 7:30 pm: “Monet’s Longmont: An Evening of Storytelling and Music” with Cooper Braun, Rachel Ann Harding and Kathleen Santopietro. Hosted by Laura Soto and featuring pianist John Boggs
- March 18, 7:30 pm: “Agents of Change: On Art and Social Justice” with Gregg Deal, S. Juliette Lee and Cipriano Ortega
Attend classes and watch programs at LongmontPublicMedia.org, Facebook.com/LongmontMuseum, or Comcast channel 8/880. Find more information at LongmontMuseum.org or call 303-651-8374.
Spirit of Arbor Day Tree Sale
In honor of Colorado Arbor Day, Forestry Services coordinates a tree sale for the Longmont community. A variety of trees will be available at below wholesale cost of $50 each (plus tax). From March 15 through April 11, residents can view details, tree options and reserve trees online at bit.ly/arbor-day-trees or by calling 303-651-8416.
Keep Your Trees Hydrated
It’s important to give your trees a drink during dry periods. On average, try to water once or twice a month, using 10 gallons of water for each inch of the tree’s diameter. Water only when the temperature is above 40 degrees and there is no snow on the ground. See Denver Water’s Tree Care Guide and more tips at bit.ly/tree-care-guide.
Make Sure to Check Your Ash Tree
Emerald ash borer (EAB) is proving to be a destructive pest in Longmont, making infested trees very brittle, unpredictable and unsafe. Per the City of Longmont Municipal Code, Chapter 13.24.050, property owners in Longmont need to determine if they have an ash tree and make plan — either protect the tree with regular pesticide treatments, or remove the tree. Visit bit.ly/longmont-eab for details.
All Park, Trail Restrooms Open in Mid-April
Many park restrooms close for winter and reopen in spring (it’s a plumbing thing). Each year, the second Monday in April marks the date that ALL restrooms are once again open from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. You can see more detailed information on park restroom availability at bit.ly/park-restrooms. Once open, restrooms are cleaned and restocked once per day, seven days a week.
Grow a Bumper Crop of Vegetables with Advice from the Boulder County Master Gardeners
It’s almost time to drag out the shovels and spades! The Longmont Public Library is here to help with a special program in collaboration with the Boulder County Master Gardeners. “Gardening Success! Growing Veggies,” is a free, online program scheduled for Thursday, March 18, from 7 to 8 pm on Webex. The Master Gardeners will be presenting information and answering gardening questions. These experts will share their knowledge about planning, preparing for, and growing a successful vegetable garden in our area. The program is good for all ages and gardening skill levels. To register, visit bit.ly/LibPrograms#veggies.
Free Online Parenting Classes
The City of Longmont’s Children, Youth and Families division is offering free virtual parenting classes that focus on the importance of raising children in a warm, loving and compassionate home. The classes are every Tuesday from 6:00 – 7:30 pm for ten weeks from March 30 – June 1. For more information or to register, contact Claudia Orona at 720-363-5613 or Claudia.orona@longmontcolorado.gov.
Scan your Documents and Send Them By Fax or Email
Just in time for Uncle Sam’s tax filings, the Longmont Public Library is introducing a new photocopier that allows patrons to securely and privately scan documents and then send them via fax or email to another destination — for free! The service is available in the Adult Computer Lab, which currently requires reservations due to pandemic restrictions. Fifteen-minute reservations may be made by calling 303-651-8769.
Free online utility bill webinar
Have you been noticing your utility bills creeping up because of more time at home? You’re not alone! Join this free webinar on Wednesday, March 10, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Staff will share tips on reducing your costs, taking advantage of rebate programs, and answering questions. Find more information and to register: bit.ly/UtilityBillWebinar.