This Week in Longmont – October 15, 2021
This Week in Longmont – October 15, 2021
Get Rid of Those Hard-to-Recycle Items
Time to say goodbye to that old fax machine in the basement. Recycle it this week during Longmont’s Hard-to-Recycle event from 9 am to 3:50 pm, on Monday, Oct. 18 through Friday, Oct. 22. This event is for City of Longmont residents, by reservation only, and drop-off will be at Green Girl Recycling, 21 S. Sunset St. To get all the details and make your drop-off reservation, visit bit.ly/hard-to-recycle-items or call 303-651-8416.
Proposed Updates to Utility Rates, Longmont CAReS
On Tuesday, Oct. 26, the Longmont City Council is scheduled to vote on an update to Longmont’s electric and storm drainage rates in order to continue providing reliable, high-quality service to the community. If adopted, this would affect electric rates for 2022-23 and storm drainage rates for 2022-24, with a typical residential customer in 2022 paying an additional $1.79/month in electric rates and an added $1.85/month for storm drainage. Longmont CAReS participants would also get greater rebates, including the City’s first-ever rebate for storm drainage. More information, including a link to the detailed proposal, can be found online at LongmontColorado.gov/RateChanges.
October Storytimes in the Park
Get ready for some fun stories, songs, and lots of movement with your Children’s Librarians! Join us for an all-ages storytime at Collyer Park, 600 Collyer St., from 10-10:45 am on Wednesdays in October (Oct. 20 and 27). Please bring something to sit on. Masks are highly encouraged for everyone 2 and older. Storytimes are weather dependent, we will announce the morning of if storytime is canceled due to inclement weather. Call 303-651-8477 for more information.
Enter Your Float in Holiday Parade
It’s time to plan your Longmont Lights parade float! Don’t miss the opportunity to showcase your business or organization in lights starting at 5 pm on Saturday, Dec. 11, during the annual holiday parade on Main Street. All parade entries are eligible for prizes. Learn more about contest judging criteria and download your entry form at LongmontColorado.gov/LongmontLights. The application deadline is Monday, Dec. 6. Call 303-651-8404 with questions.
Make a Difference! Volunteer to be on a City Board, Commission
Volunteer to serve on a City board or commission. Apply online at LongmontColorado.gov/board-application by 5 pm on Friday, Nov. 12. Questions? Call the City Clerk’s Office at 303-651-8649.
In-person Coffee with Council on Saturday, October 23
Longmont City Council will host Coffee with Council from 9 to 10 am on Saturday, Oct. 23, at Lashley Street Station, 1200 Lashley St. At this event, you can talk informally with Council Members Tim Waters and Joan Peck on any topic of your choice, and the coffee’s on us! For more information, call 303-651-8649. Due to the upcoming holidays, this will be the last Coffee with Council session for 2021.
Haunted Carnival to Benefit Longmont Police Explorers’ Program
Join us for a Haunted Carnival to benefit the Longmont Police Explorers from noon to 6 pm on Saturday, Oct. 30, and Sunday, Oct. 31. This event will be held at the Longmont Police Department and Boulder County Sheriff’s Office Range and Training Center, 10916 County Road 5, Longmont. Admission is $5 for adults (15 years and older), with carnival games starting at $1/each play. No dogs are allowed at the event. Walk through the Haunted House and Nerf Zombie Shoot for free. For more information, contact Officer Melinda Burnett at 303-774-4300 ext. 3183 or email melinda.burnett@longmontcolorado.gov.
Save on every flush
Save water and money by upgrading to a more efficient toilet. Restrictions apply, learn more at bit.ly/water-rebates or call 303-651-8416 to learn more.
Saving Energy? Bonus Rebate Time is Almost Up!
Looking to drive down your business’s energy costs? Efficiency Works from Longmont Power & Communications has rebates for you on lighting upgrades, new construction and more. If you submit your project by Nov. 15, 2021, Efficiency Works will throw in a 50% bonus rebate on a range of commercial efficiency projects, such as water, building envelope improvements, office and appliance, and more. We’ll even advise you on energy-saving opportunities you may be missing. Just email Buisiness@EfficiencyWorks.org or call 970-229-4823 to find out more.
Thursday Night @ the Museum Events
- Home Grown Shorts from the Boulder International Film Festival ($10 general admission, $8 students/seniors, $5 members): Join us for an evening dedicated to short documentary films by local filmmakers from Denver, Boulder, and Longmont as featured in this year’s Boulder International Film Festival. The screenings will start at 7:15 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 21, followed by Q&A with the filmmakers. See the full details and buy your tickets at LongmontMuseum.org or call 303-651-8374.
- Art & Sip: Hand-Printed Market Tote ($35): Grab a drink and get creative starting at 6:30 pm on Thursday, Oct. 21, at the Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Road. In this class, you will learn the art of linocut block printing by designing, cutting, and printing your own personal graphic on a handy market tote. Learn more and register at LongmontMuseum.org or call 303-651-8374.