This Week in Longmont – September 25, 2020
This Week in Longmont – September 25, 2020
Longmont Seeks Applications for 2021 Human Service Agency Funding
The City of Longmont has opened its 2021 application process for human service grants to community agencies that assist our most vulnerable residents to meet their individual and family’s basic physical, social, economic and/or emotional needs. Applications are due by 4 pm on Friday, October 16, 2020. Late applications will not be accepted. To learn how to register or for more information, contact Eliberto Mendoza, City of Longmont, 303-774-3511, eliberto.mendoza@longmontcolorado.gov.
LPC Adds New Vehicle Charging Station at Longmont Public Library
Longmont Power and Communications has installed a new electric vehicle charging station at the Longmont Public Library. The new library site means Longmont now has five City-owned EV charging stations that are free for public use. The announcement comes just before National Drive Electric Week (Sept. 26 – Oct. 4).
Preschoolers ages 2-5 can showcase their balance biking skills during a morning of racing fun at 9:30 am on Saturday, October 3, at Willow Farm Park, 901 S. Fordham Street. Participants should bring their glider and helmet (required). Limited space is available, and preregistration is required; the registration deadline is 5 pm on Wednesday, September 30. For more information and to register ($15 per resident rider), visit LongmontColorado.gov/rec or call 303-651-8404.
Register for More Beer Archaeology
“Beer Archaeologist” Travis Rupp returns – virtually – to the Library from 7 to 8 pm on Thursday, October 8, with his presentation “Beer as Remedy and Scapegoat for Illness in Antiquity.” The popular speaker and CU lecturer will examine beer’s relationship to illness and pandemics through history. This free online program is for adults age 21 and older. Registration is required at bit.ly/LibPrograms, or call 303-651-8472 to sign up.
Shred Your Private Documents for Free
Take your boxed or bagged private documents to be shredded to the Waste Diversion Center at 140 Martin Street between 9 am and 2 pm on Saturday, October 10, for safe and secure recycling. This is for residential documents only; no business materials will be accepted. Also take identification and a copy of your most recent Longmont utility bill. For more information, visit LongmontColorado.gov/WasteServices or call 303-651-8416.
Go Out on a Limerick and Win!
Longmont Power & Communications is holding a limerick contest for Public Power Week, October 4-10, and two LPC customers could win a $100 Downtown Longmont gift card! To enter, simply write a limerick about why you love Longmont’s community-owned power and send it to LPC. Email your entry to LPC@LongmontColorado.gov, submit a Facebook message to Longmont Power & Communications – NextLight, or mail or hand-deliver to 1100 S. Sherman Street, Longmont, CO, 80501. All entries must be received by October 10. For details and contest rules visit LongmontColorado.gov/PublicPowerWeek.
Kids’ Bike Program Accepting Donations
The volunteers at the Longmont Kids’ Holiday Bike program, sponsored by Bicycle Longmont, are accepting new and used children’s bicycles with wheel sizes ranging from 12 to 24 inches. Functional bikes are preferred (flat tires are OK). These dedicated volunteers will ready the bikes for distribution to new young owners during the holiday season. You can donate bicycles until December 4 at any Longmont fire station. Find fire station locations at bit.ly/LongmontFire.