This Week in Longmont – September 8, 2017
This Week in Longmont – September 8, 2017
Get Ready! at the Preparedness Fair
From 10 am to noon on Saturday, September 16, you and your family can learn about disaster preparedness in our community at the free Preparedness Fair at the Boulder County Fairgrounds, Barn A, at 9595 Nelson Road. Get a close-up look at public safety vehicles, meet staff from agencies that provide local disaster relief, and participate in activities for a chance to win prizes. For more information call 303-651-8438 or email OEM@LongmontColorado.gov. Sponsored by the City of Longmont and the Boulder Office of Emergency Management.
2017 Mosquito Control Winding Down
Longmont’s 2017 adulticide spraying program to treat for West Nile mosquitoes has ended for 2017. Mosquito trap numbers have fallen dramatically and spraying is no longer required. However, the City’s larvaciding program will continue through the end of September. For more information, visit LongmontColorado.gov/westnile.
Longmont Continues Proactive Investigations of Oil & Gas Wells
The City of Longmont is working through a systematic process to proactively investigate all nine active wells, and all 17 plugged and abandoned (P&A) wells within city limits. In 2013, the City conducted site investigations of active wells. The City is now moving into the next phase, which is to conduct site investigations of plugged and abandoned wells. There is no known threat; however, these investigations are being done out of an abundance of caution to confirm that there is no risk to the community. This comprehensive investigation is intended to confirm that no water, soil or air contamination exists from the past drilling activities. Information gathered will be made available to the public on the City’s Oil & Gas webpage at bit.ly/longmont-oil-gas.
New! Strider Glider Biking for Preschoolers
Join us for Strider Glider biking from 9:30 to 10:30 am on Wednesday mornings beginning September 13 at the Memorial Building, 700 Longs Peak Avenue. Introduce your child to Strider bikes, or practice for the inaugural Strider Glider Rough Rider Race on October 7. We have the bike and the gym; you provide the instruction, supervision and fun. Register at ow.ly/fq3k30ePmrA (keyword “strider”) or call 303-651-8404. $5 per rider.
Shred Your Private Documents for Free
Take boxed or bagged papers to be shredded to the Waste Diversion Center at 140 Martin Street between 9 am and 2 pm on Friday, September 15. This is for residential documents only; no business documents accepted. Please also take ID and a copy of your most recent Longmont utility bill. For more information, call 303-651-8416 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/solidwaste.
Household Hazardous Chemical Drop-off Day
The City will host the annual Household Hazardous Chemical Drop-off Day from 9 am to 1 pm on Saturday, September 16, at the Public Works facility at 375 Airport Road. Items accepted include cleaners, solvents, pesticides, aerosol cans, paint and other chemical wastes generated at home. Items not accepted include commercial/business wastes, biological wastes, medical wastes, medicines, radioactive materials, compressed gas cylinders, explosives, fireworks, ammunition and fire extinguishers. Please take your most recent City of Longmont utility bill and ID. For more information, call 303-651-8416 or visit LongmontColorado.gov/solidwaste.
Enjoy the Callahan Open House
As part of ArtWalk, the Historic Callahan House & Garden at 312 Terry Street will host an Open House with tours from 4 to 8 pm on Saturday, September 16. Admire works by several local artists while you enjoy music in the garden. Admission is free, and everyone is welcome. For more information about the Callahan House, including rental options for weddings, special events and parties, visit LongmontColorado.gov/Callahan.
Inclusive Communities Celebration
The public is invited to the Inclusive Communities Celebration from 6 to 9 pm on Friday, September 22, at the Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Road. Connect with others from different cultures, and enjoy food, entertainment, art and customs of the many diverse communities that make Longmont a great place to live. For more information call 303-651-8721 or email Adriana.Perea@LongmontColorado.gov. This event is free.