This Week in Longmont – September 9, 2016
This Week in Longmont – September 9, 2016
Senior Center Fair on Saturday
See what your community has to offer at the Longmont Senior Center Fair, 910 Longs Peak Avenue. This is a fun, informal way to explore what’s available, sample activities, and meet the individuals who bring programs and services to adults age 55 and older in Longmont. See the complete Fair schedule at LongmontColorado.gov/senior-services. Call 303-651-8411 for more information.
See the City Projects Planned for 2017 and Beyond
Take a 30-minute video tour of large City projects with Longmont City Manager Harold Dominguez as he discusses the 2017 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Learn about transportation projects happening around the city, see the plans for rebuilding the St. Vrain Greenway, and hear the latest on the NextLight broadband initiative.
1st and Emery Open House
An enhancement project planned for the 1st Avenue & Emery Street intersection related to redevelopment in lower downtown is under review due to complexity and increased funding needs. The City is seeking public comment on the benefits and impacts of completing this project or closing Emery Street at the railroad crossing. A study of traffic focusing on the intersection has also been conducted and is available for review. To learn more and provide comments, attend an open house from 4:30 to 6:30 pm on Monday, September 12, at the Development Services Center, 385 Kimbark Street.
Residential Hard-to-Recycle Event
Take items such as cell phones, plastic bags, block Styrofoam, and printer cartridges that are not accepted for curbside recycling to the Waste Diversion Center at 140 Martin Street between 9 am and 1 pm on Saturday, September 10. Many items are accepted at no charge, but there are fees for some. A complete list of hard-to-recycle items and fees is available online. Please take identification and a copy of your most recent Longmont utility bill to the event. For more information, visit LongmontColorado.gov/solidwaste or call 303-651-8416.
Give Feedback on Funding for Water Supply
The City of Longmont is considering ways to fully fund its recently increased participation in the regional Windy Gap Firming Project, a new raw water storage reservoir to be constructed west of Carter Lake. Because this decision will affect water rates, the City is gathering feedback from the community. Visit bit.ly/windy-gap-funding for details on the project and financing options, as well as an online form for residents to submit comments. Your feedback will be presented to the city council in November or December as they determine which funding option to pursue.
Learn from Small Business Success Stories
From 6 to 8 pm on Tuesday, September 13, the Longmont Public Library at 409 4th Avenue launches a workshop series for small business owners with a program offering insights from local small businesses. The series, titled “Blazing the Trail to Small Business Success,” includes workshops on the second Tuesday of each month and is a collaboration with the Longmont Economic Development Partnership and Coffee and Connections. Registration is not required.
Longmont Public Safety is Looking for Angels
The Longmont Department of Public Safety is seeking volunteers (“Angels”) to work with the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative. This program encourages drug users to seek recovery and connects them to treatment programs and facilities. Responsibilities include listening and engaging with participants, providing resources and encouragement, and aiding in family mediation. A training and information meeting will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Monday, September 19, at the Safety & Justice Center, 225 Kimbark Street. For a volunteer application and more information email Kay.Armstrong@LongmontColorado.gov or call 303-774-4440.
Visit Resilience Fair to be Better Prepared
From 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Wednesday, September 14, join 14 community organizations in Kanemoto Park at 1151 S. Pratt Parkway to learn about resources that can help you be prepared in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. For more information email Carmen.Ramirez@longmontcolorado.gov or call 303-651-8444.
Free Shredding Event
Recycle personal documents safely and securely at this free event. Bring boxed or bagged papers to the Waste Diversion Center at 140 Martin Street between 9 am and 2 pm on Friday, September 16. Also bring ID and a copy of your most recent Longmont utility bill. This event is for residential documents only; business materials will not be accepted. For information visit LongmontColorado.gov/solidwaste or call 303-651-8416.
Explore Creatures of the Night at the Library
From 7 to 8 pm on Thursday, September 22, the Longmont Public Library at 409 4th Avenue presents “Creatures of the Night.” Learn why some animals are nocturnal, why some insects appear only at night, and how some animals navigate in the dark. Nature’s Educators of Colorado will explore these fascinating creatures and bring some of them to see up close. This program is free and best for ages 6 and older. Registration is required; visit bit.ly/LibPrograms to reserve your place. No email or internet? Call 303-651-8472.
Register to Race Against Domestic Violence
Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley and LEVI (Longmont Ending Violence Initiative) will host the 3rd Annual Race Against Domestic Violence 5K Run/Walk at McIntosh Lake on Saturday, October 1. This professionally timed race is for both casual and competitive participants. Proceeds from this all-ages family event starting at Dawson Park, 1757 Harvard Street, benefit victims of domestic violence and their families. Register online at RaceMenu.com/radv5k.
Open Cabin Days at Old Mill Park
Come visit life in the St. Vrain Valley in the 1800s on Sunday, September 11, 3 to 6 pm at Old Mill park located at 237 Pratt St. Docents in period costume provide a personal look into the lives of pioneers. View the Affolter Cabin (1860), the Billings Cabin (1890) and the Hauke Milk House (1860), – all structures moved to the park from the surrounding area. Watch demonstrations of crafts and chores of yesteryear. Children will enjoy a surprise activity. Bring a picnic dinner – tables are available for your use in the park. This is a fundraiser for the St. Vrain Historical Society; donations are appreciated to help preserve the park. Visit www.stvrainhistoricalsociety.com for more information.
Survey in the Mail
The 2016 Longmont Customer Satisfaction Survey has been mailed to 3,000 Longmont residents. If you receive the survey, please fill it out and return it in the pre-addressed envelope as soon as you can. This is an opportunity to grade City services and to give the City Council your opinion on a variety of issues. A report of results will be presented to the City Council in December.
Cheese Importers Wins Downtown Excellence Award
Cheese Importers has been selected as a winner of Downtown Colorado Inc.’s 2016 Governor’s Award for Downtown Excellence in the category of Best Adaptive Reuse or Rehabilitation in a Large Community. Cheese Importers is located in the historic building on the N.W. corner of 1st and Main Street. The building was originally constructed in 1931 as the first power station to service city residents and was recently transformed into a downtown destination. The city worked with the Longmont Downtown Development Authority on the nomination process. This year’s winners will be honored at the 2016 Governor’s Awards Ceremony and Gala, on September 22, 2016 at the Rawlings Public Library in Pueblo, during DCI’s 2016 Annual Conference.