This Week in Longmont – September 9, 2022
This Week in Longmont – September 9, 2022
November ballot information
This November, City Council will be asking Longmont voters to approve the issuance of $20 million in storm drainage bonds to finance the next phase of the Resilient St. Vrain Project (RSVP). The RSVP is a multi-year project to fully restore the St. Vrain Greenway and improve the St. Vrain Creek channel to protect people, property and infrastructure from future flood risks. Additionally, voters will be asked to consider two changes to the Charter and one City Council At-Large position. One would provide operational clarity and streamlining, and the other would allow for simultaneous elections. Learn more about all the ballot issues, including some arguments for and against, at LongmontColorado.gov/ballot.
Longmont’s Callahan House Ready for Restoration Project
The historic Callahan House in Longmont is getting ready to begin the task of restoring and renovating its aging exterior with the help of an $180,000 grant from the State Historical Fund (SHF) and an additional $60,000 from the City’s capital improvement fund. The Callahan House and Gardens belong to the City of Longmont and has a limited budget on an annual basis for general maintenance. The SHF grant will supplement the revenue for the much-needed restoration. Interested contractors can see more information about the City’s Request for Proposal (RFP) on the Rocky Mountain e-purchasing system.
Books on the Chopping Block! event
Join the Longmont Librarians for a special Banned Books Week Event, Books on the Chopping Block!, from 2-3 pm on Saturday, Sept. 24. Enjoy a live dramatic reading of excerpts from the top 10 most challenged books from the past year in the U.S. by professional actors from the Outlaw Production Collective This event is best for those 14 years and older; however, everyone is welcome to attend. No registration is required. View details at bit.ly/LibPrograms or call 303-651-8470.
City board/commission: Make a difference!
The City Council has opened their bi-annual recruitment to fill vacancies on City boards and commissions. This is a great opportunity to make your voice heard and take a more active role in your community. Applications must be submitted by 5 pm on Friday, Oct. 14. Learn more and apply at longmontcolorado.gov/boards or call the City Clerk’s Office at 303-651-8649.
Fall Adult Basketball League
Don’t miss your chance to join Recreation Services’ Fall 5v5 Thursday night adult basketball league. Team and individual (Free Agent) registration is available for those age 18 and older online at longmontcolorado.gov/leagues or in-person at 310 Quail Road. The deadline to register is Thursday, Sept. 15. Games are played Sept. 22 – Nov. 17. Questions? Call 303-774-4800.
Free Pilyoga at Lanyon Park
Free Fitness in the Park continues this Fall at Lanyon Park, 1900 Collyer St. Join Recreation fitness instructors for a free outdoor Pilyoga (a combination of yoga and Pilates) class beginning at 9 am on Saturday, Sept. 17. For ages 14 years and older; no childcare is available. No registration required. Bring a water bottle and mat if you have one. Questions? Call 303-774-4800 or visit longmontcolorado.gov/fitness.
Activities for kids, teens at the Museum
- Discovery Days: Discovery Days is an early childhood program that encourages children ages 2 to 6 and their parents or caregivers to engage together in educational, hands-on activities. Drop in to a class at multiple times Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
- TNT! (Thursday Night Teens): Teens ages 13-18 can drop in for free creative space 4-5:30 pm on Thursdays this fall. Join us each week for activities such as bullet journaling, collage and string pull painting.
Learn more at longmontmuseum.org or by calling 303-651-8374.
Open House at Callahan House
The Historic Callahan House & Garden, 312 Terry St., will host an Open House with self-guided tours from 4-8 pm, Saturday, Sept. 10, during ArtWalk. Enjoy viewing the works of local artists during your visit. Admission is free and the public is welcome. For more information about the Callahan House, including rental options for weddings, special events and parties, visit longmontcolorado.gov/callahan.
Carpool and save
Why drive alone? Save on gas, improve air quality and catch up with a friend while carpooling. Find a new carpool with DRCOG Way to Go at mywaytogo.org.