Three Longmont Events Honor MLK
Three Longmont Events Honor MLK
The Longmont Multicultural Action Committee (LMAC) invites the entire Longmont community to join in a three-part commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his unwavering fight for the absence of oppression and the presence of equal opportunity for all.
The celebration begins on Friday, January 12, with an MLK-themed music and drama performance at Silver Creek High School, from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
On Saturday, January 13, the Courageous CARE Forum (Conversation, Action, Reflection, Empowerment) will be a bold and engaging dialogue about Dr. King’s deepest desire for humanity—love. This much-anticipated event will feature men and women who marched with Dr. King, including Longmont’s own Glenda Robinson, a passionate civil rights activist who participated in numerous rallies, marches and sit-ins in the 1960s and ’70s. The program is at Second Baptist Church, 5300 Baseline Road in Boulder, 9 to11 a.m.
On Monday, January 15, Longmont’s annual MLK Day Celebration, “All Cultures One Voice,” will feature dramatizations, gospel choirs, dancers, a Keynote Speaker from Atlanta, Attorney Rodney K. Strong and a poignant program honoring the life and important work of Dr. King. It will also commemorate the 50th anniversary of his death in 1968. The program runs from 9 a.m. to noon at Silver Creek High School and is sponsored by LMAC, Lexmark, the dedicated students in the school’s Leadership Academy, the St. Vrain Valley School District and other community volunteers.